Christmas Party

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Carly and CJ were hanging out at a friends Christmas party. Both of them were wearing pretty dreadful red Christmas sweaters with Carly wearing black leggings and CJ wearing light blue jeans.

Carly was throughly enjoying the bar, maybe a little too much depending on who you ask. If you asked CJ, she has had more than plenty. He ends a conversation with a friend and goes looking for her. He finds Carly standing with a group, laughing out loud with a drink in her hand nearly spilling on the floor.

He comes up and puts his hand around her waist, taking the drink from her hand. "Hey babe. What are you guys talking about?"

Carly turns with a disgruntled face. "Hey! Give me my drink back!" She says, her speech slightly slurred as she's reaching for her drink.

"Carly," CJ says. "Don't you think you've had enough tonight? You're really drunk right now."

"Don't tell me I've had enough! I'm just trying to have fun!" She yells at him, still trying to reach for her drink.

CJ pulls her away slightly from the group. "Do not yell at me in front of people. It's very rude." He says to her softly.

She's a little wobbly as she's pulled away and keeps trying to get her drink from his hand. "Just give me my drink back. I won't yell anymore."

"No Carly. You've had enough and need to drink some water."

"Don't tell me I've had enough! I want my drink!" She yells again.

CJ didn't take this well. He takes her hand and turns to the host of the party. "Hey, Carly has to use the bathroom. I'm gonna show her where it is!"

He start to walk away as Carly stumbles behind. "What are we doing? I don't have to use the potty."

CJ doesn't say anything. He just keeps walking until he finds an empty room. It looks like to be his friends game room, with his computer, tv, and futon. He takes Carly in and closes the door. He turns to her. "Do you have any idea how much you're embarrassing yourself right now??"

She rolls her eyes. "I'm just trying to have fun babe. It's Christmas! I can have a little bit to drink!"

"Well now you've had too much and you're getting too rowdy. You shouldn't be yelling at me and being too loud."

"Can you just shut up already? You're not my dad!"

"Okay I've had about enough." CJ grabs her wrists and takes her by the futon, bending her over.

"Hey! What are you-" she's cut off by a hand slap on her bottom. "Ow! Baby not here!"

"Yes right here! I've had enough of your back talk and miss behavior tonight!" He lifts her sweater off of her butt and starts spanking her over her leggings.

Carly starts to whine at the hard smacks, nearly sobering up instantly from the smacks. "Ooowww! Ow ow babe please! This is embarrassing!"

"Be more embarrassing out there wouldn't it? Want me to beat your ass in front of all my friends?"

"" She says bashfully.

He gives her another hard smack. "Get those leggings down, now." He instructs her.

She stands up and rubs her butt. "Come on. Can't we just have a good night?"

"We were having a good night before you started yelling at me. Now get them off before I take this off." He says lifting his sweater to flash his belt.

CJ hasn't used a belt on her yet, but she wasn't going to take that risk now. She slides her hands into the sides of her leggings and slides them down her hips and thighs, revealing her pink thong. She bends back over looking back with a pouty face.

CJ places his hand on her back and starts spanking her again with the other.

Carly winces and whines. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay I'm sorry! Ow!"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it. You need to be taught a lesson!" He spanks harder on her sit spot and thighs. Carly lifts her foot up in pain. "Keep your feet down!"

Carly whines and plants her foot back down on the floor. She keeps whining as her ass is lit up. Her bottom stings more and more as he lays more spankings down on her. She wants to cry, but holds back because she doesn't want people to see she was crying before going back out into the party.

CJ spanks a bit longer until her bottom is red. "Stand up."

Carly stands up and turns to face CJ. "I'm sorry baby..."

"You better get your shit together, or you'll be facing a world of hurt when we get home. You hear me?"

"Hmmm, yes sir..."

"You need to sober up. You're only drinking water for the rest of the night, and you need to eat something before we leave. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Now pull your pants up."

She whines as she leans over and pulls her pants back up to hide her sore bottom. CJ puts his arms out and Carly scoots in as he hugs him.

"I'm sorry I had to spank you. But you needed to be taught a lesson and you clearly weren't listening."

She sniffles and cuddles into his chest. "I understand. I'm sorry I was mean to you."

He rubs her bottom as they hug and gives her a little pat. "Come on. I wanna get some pigs in a blanket before Ryan snatches all of them up."

Carly smiles and nods her head. They walk out of the room and Carly grabs a water bottle and goes back to having conversations with CJ and his friends, trying to not think about how sore her bottom was.

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