So Apparently I'm Addicted To Drugs

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"I don't believe in luck," Tommy snarled as he shifted into tenth gear and gave the ship everything it got, hairline cracks appearing on the glass. Tubbo muttered something, perhaps a prayer, but Tommy turned the ship sharply left and narrowed his eyes on the L'manburg, noting the hold that was opening up and the engines powered to run as the space battle raged on around him. "Shit, fuck, shit, power up, you fucking dickhead—"

They slammed into the hold, the ship crashing to the ground as gravity engaged around them, and Tommy watched hysterically as a forcefield appeared between them and open space—and then, and then warp, and the stars zoomed past, mere lines of light.

Tommy kicked his legs up and pushed at the glass, shattering it as he jumped out, scrunching his face at the smoking wreck that lay on the pristine floor of the L'manburg's dock. "Fuck that shit," he muttered, helping Tubbo out, both boys covered in soot—one shaking more than the other.

He swore up and down that it wasn't him.

"Oh my God, we're alive," Tubbo said ecstatically, tears of—hilarity?—running down his face. "OH MY GOD, WE'RE ALIVE!"

The doors burst open, and Tommy spun to see two figures burst through it. He jumped as the ship sparked, dragging himself and Tubbo away from it as two women—one fully grown, one a young girl shorter than Tubbo himself—rushed towards them, dressed in scrubs. He surveyed them as they approached. One had bright pink hair—the older—tied back in a small ponytail, and the other—the younger—long brown hair done up in a braid.

"TUBBO!" the little one screeched.

"Lani," Tubbo murmured, face pale as he nearly collapsed into the grip of his—younger sister?

The other one surveyed him, narrowing her eyes as she glanced between him and the wreck, hands moving towards the phaser at her side. She had a small tube up her nose, leading down to a device strapped to her waist—ah, a Merling. He held his hands up to show he meant no harm. "You should take him to your medbay," he said soothingly. "He was stabbed."

"Oh my God," Lani said, hand coming away with blood as Tubbo finally, finally, fainted.

"Weapon?" the other one briskly asked as she picked up Tubbo's feet and herded them back through the door.

"Knife," he answered. "No poison, pure iron. Just blood loss."

"That's a relief," the woman said, touching something next to her ear. "Sapnap, we have an unexpected visitor. Can you come down here with some personal?" She paused, clearly waiting for a response. "Nah," she said after a moment. "He was in the spaceship with Tubbo. I need to deal with an injury, so if you would escort him to the bridge...?"

"What's going to happen to me?" he asked curiously, scrubbing the hair out of his eyes once the woman got her answer and took her hand off her commlink.

"You're going to see the captain," she said. "Seeing as he's unconscious." She nodded with her chin at the pale boy that she and Lani were carrying. "He will be fine, after an IV and a bit of rest," she reassured him.

He swallowed. "Very well."

Approximately two minutes and fifteen seconds later, a man wearing white and black came jogging down the hallway, a phaser in one hand. He had pitch-black hair and dark brown eyes—not chocolate like Tubbo's, closer to coffee—and a headband keeping his hair back from his eyes. "Niki," he said evenly and then turned to Tommy. "I'm supposed to escort you to the brig?"

The pink-haired woman—Niki—rolled her eyes sharply. "To the bridge, Sapnap," she said, pinching her nose and leaving a bloodstain there. Sapnap stared at it in surprise, glancing down with noticeable concern at Tubbo. "He is fine," she assured him. "Just blood loss. I will take him to the medbay—but I have no doubt that Phil wants to speak to..." she trailed off, offering Tommy the chance to reveal his name.

The Childrens RebellionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora