My name is Tommy Innes, and I was the leader of the Children's Rebellion.

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"Well," the receptionist said as she looked over her glasses at the three boys standing in front of her desk. Barring Technoblade. Whom Purpled had kicked out to go to a bar, or whatever off-duty overworking half-Feline half-Piglins did on breaks. If they had breaks. "I wasn't expecting three of you."

"Well, I listed the interview to have three boys of staggering heights with our exact descriptions," Purpled said haughtily. "Right down there with Ranboo's Enderian albinism and Tommy's idiotic smirk."

He wiped the smirk off his face. Purpled glanced at him pointedly.

"But, sir, this is an interview for the Children's Rebellion," the woman said, eyes wide. "That's only two."

"Was," Purpled corrected. "Besides, you're not in any sort of position to contradict me. I'm half-debating leaving here and calling in and telling the newscast that you made me cancel our first-ever interview. Imagine that. I don't think your bosses would be thrilled with you."

The Human woman gulped. "Oh—no, thank you, sir."

"That's what I thought."

"I'll uh—I'll alert the interviewer."

Tommy watched as she hurried away through the side door. "That wasn't very nice," he chastized Purpled. "She's sort of right."

Purpled snorted. "It's not her job to question it," he said. "She's not a very good receptionist."

Tommy squinted at the building. "I can't imagine they get many services," he said.

"Yeah, they flew out here," Purpled said. "Set up shop and all that."

Ranboo frowned. "For us?"

"I mean, hey, they want an interview, they gotta come to us," the Human snorted.

"You're a menace," Tommy announced.

"You're just now realizing that?" Purpled retorted. "I've been a menace for years and years."

"I should have known that when I first met you," he muttered.

"You did know that. I'm just such a cool person that I allowed us to become friends anyhow."

"Did you just use the word anyhow?" he demanded.

"Yes," Purpled said. "Because I'm cool."

"You two are more alike than you know," Ranboo muttered.

"Shut up, Boob boy," Tommy said.

Purpled opened his mouth to retort something as well, eyes glittering with humor when a cough shut up all three boys and made them turn towards the door that the receptionist had disappeared into. Tommy heard rather than saw Ranboo do a double-take as all of them looked towards the tall Enderian male that had cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation," the Enderian said politely. "Our cameramen are setting up the cameras as we speak. We just got done filming a documentary on the Pandoravirus."

"Biotic plant infection," Ranboo muttered under his breath.

"The...Pandoravirus?" Tommy asked slowly.

"That's the coined name of the biotic plant infection that made the plants and animals die," Purpled explained, throwing a look at Ranboo, who seemed happier that they'd used his term.

"Yes, of course," the Enderian—interviewer?—said. "I'd forgotten that people that don't watch the reports habitually wouldn't know that." Purpled inclined his head slightly. "My name is ᒷꖎ╎⋮ᔑ⍑—" Tommy started slightly at the influx of harsh, slightly screechy syllables that left the Enderian's mouth. "—but you can call me Elijah."

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