There and back again

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"So," Phil said, leaning against the wall, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. In Tommy's oh-so-humble opinion, he did not look pleased in the slightest. "When were you going to tell me that you planned to visit F970-RB?"

"What," Tommy said, thoroughly confused.

"That's the scientific name for the Red Planet," Ranboo muttered under his breath.

"Okay," he said, holding up his hands as Phil narrowed his gaze on him. "I may be the leader of the Children's Rebellion, but that was not my idea." He pointed at Purpled. "It was his."

"But it was your idea to do an interview," the Human said with a smirk, not looking apologetic in the slightest.

Phil rubbed his forehead. "Interview? What—actually, I don't want to know." The Elytrian sighed. "So, let me get this straight. When we stopped at the space station for three days, you were planning on sneaking off and taking a transport to Pogtopia?"

"Yep," Purpled said, mouth twisting. "I'm just wondering who snitched."

» That would be me, Purpled. «

"Clementine, you traitor," Tommy hissed, glancing up at the ceiling as Ranboo started quietly. Purpled merely raised an eyebrow—perhaps he had guessed, or perhaps he already knew that Clementine would snitch.

» It is not I that was creeping behind the backs of my captain to plan a trip to another planet. «

"Traitor," he mumbled again.

» For me to be a traitor, I would have had to be on your side in the first place. «

"Clem, I think you forget the fact you didn't tell us that Tommy was the leader of the Children's Rebellion and the son of Sam Innes?" Phil said wryly.

» It is coded into my very being not to give away information on my creator. That includes any offspring that he may have. It was also in good faith that Quartermaster Purpled confided in me about the whereabouts of Tommy. Why, my files had him labeled as DECEASED until he informed me that Tommy was dead...again. «

"How many times have I been dead, now?" Tommy muttered.

"Too many," Purpled said with a slight sneer that's only half annoyed.

Ranboo coughed. "So—so, are we in trouble?" he asked.

Phil sighed, wings going slightly limp and just barely brushing the floor. "You kids are literally going to be the death of me," he grumbled.

"That's not a no," Tommy whispered loudly.

"Yes, Tommy Innes," Phil said. "It's not a no." Tommy whooped loudly, pumping his arm.

"FUCK YEAH!" he cheered.

"Really?" Purpled said, crossing his arms, looking pleasantly surprised and—of course, it's Purpled—suspicious. "Just like that?"

"No, you have to take Techno with you."

Tommy paused in his victory dance. "Why the pig man?"

"The—what?" Phil sputtered, blinking at him rapidly. Both Purpled and Ranboo descended into a coughing fit. Complete coincidence, of course. "You've been spending too much time with Wil."

"He's your son."

"He's an uncontrollable chaotic little shit."

"That's what a bad father says."

Phil stared at him. "Did you just call me a bad dad?" he snorted.

"Yes," Tommy deadpanned.

"I've changed my mind; you guys can't go to Pogtopia." Phil scowled at the three of them, rolling his eyes. Purpled snickered under his breath, muttering something about older people.

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