Yes, Mission Leader

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"This is Red Sixty-Nine, leaving docking bay," Tommy said, glancing behind him at Purpled, Drista, Lani, Ranboo, and Tubbo, who were all strapped to their seats, wearing various fancy outfits bought by Niki and Eret—and Purpled, who'd blackmailed Techno during their mission brief into letting him come because of his 'amazing fashion sense'.

Tommy, that is not your ship's designation.

Tommy snorted loudly at Wilbur's sensibly annoyed voice—it was his oh-so-humble opinion that the entire crew was on edge. Especially since Niki was adamant he had some sort of curse with leaving the L'manburg.

Which was frankly ridiculous.

"Okay, Lieutenant Soot," he said in a mocking voice. "This is CS-847, leaving the docking bay. Standing by for clearance." CS stood for civilian shuttle, seeing as they were pretending to be civilians.

Most of them, anyway. Half of them. Purpled was going to be 'sick,' and Tubbo and Lani 'weren't coming'. That way, all the disappearances wouldn't confuse the crowd and spring up questions.

So Ranboo, Drista, and Tommy were basically distractions while Purpled, Tubbo, and Lani worked together to sneak into the back rooms. Lani was the one stealing the drive and the folder, as she was a Shulker and could hide it easily. Tubbo was in charge of technology, seeing as the planetary-wide signal inhibitor would stop all communications to and from the L'manburg. Purpled would be directing Lani through the vents, scouting out who was where and what was what as the girl walked through the hallways.

This should be easy.

In theory.

CS-847, you are cleared for exit. Have a safe flight.

"Thank you, Wilbur," he said, pulling back the power and flying out into space. The pale yellow star of the solar system glinted at him through the shuttle window. "We'll be touching down in T-minus ten minutes." Despite the L'manburg being unable to land on Kinoko, they were close enough to theoretically send help if the children weren't in contact distance by midnight.

Good luck, Tommy.

Tommy turned off transmissions with a slight glance at Drista, who was acting as his co-pilot. She flicked off the blinking switch—turning off the open mic—and Tommy grumbled slightly, shifting in his seat.

"This suit is so uncomfortable," he muttered, glancing down with a grimace at his dark red dress button-up dress uniform, complete with a belt and pale scarlet lines and lapels. Turning around, Ranboo was dressed in nearly identical—but larger—wear, though his dress uniform did not have vertical stripes crossing the shoulder, nor a gleaming golden belt courtesy of one Technoblade—and it was also black and white. They both had matching black suit pants, though.

"Suck it up, buttercup," Purpled said with a fond scowl. "At least you won't have to be crawling through dusty vents."

"You literally chose to do that," Drista said with a scowl, glancing at Purpled's black mission uniform, complete with a dark violet vest—Purpled had pulled that one out of his ass—that had many pockets full of knives and other valuable gimmicks, and a holster with a phaser on his right thigh. "I had no choice in my clothes." She stood up and started pacing angrily, her sage-green princess-shouldered dress swishing angrily in her wake. Tommy watched her with mild amusement. Sometimes she tripped over the floor-length skirt and delved into long strings of curses.

"You look pretty," Lani offered up helpfully. The Shulker and Tubbo were both wearing identical uniforms to Purpled, though one had a blue vest and the other had a forest green.

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