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"So," Phil said slowly, looking up from another permission form. "Let me get this straight." Tommy swallowed nervously. "You want me to—what? Sign this form for a field trip?"

"It's—it's not a field trip," he said, stuttering slightly. "It's my end-of-the-term trip, Phil. I need that to pass Survival Strategies."

"Need I remind you of what happened last time I signed a permission form?" Phil asked, only half-joking. Techno snorted slightly.

"Ye-es," Tommy said, drawing out the word. "However, that was a one-time thing. I'm not part of track anymore."

"Uh-huh," Phil said, glancing down at the datapad again.

"Where's this one?" Wilbur called over, spinning around in his chair. "The heart of the Arachnid system?" Sarcasm dripped from his tongue as he blinked.

"Well," Tommy said. "Originally, it was supposed to be the Red Planet." Phil froze. "Yeah, they changed it, though. To, uh—the ice caves of Bree'lysn."

"Oh," Tubbo spoke up. "Isn't that the—"

"Avalanche," he said. "Yeah. We're supposed to do a simulation or some shit."

"You weren't in class?" Techno asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know if you noticed, Technoblade," he snapped. "But I haven't been in that class for two weeks. The Vice-Admiral messaged Lani, Drista, and me and told us that we were excused from everything except the final simulation." Phil's eye twitched. "And I am not taking that class again."

"This is your teacher's last term, though," Dream said neutrally. "Thanks to Captain Philza over here."

"Why do you only use that rank to mock me, mate?" the Elytrian said amicably.

Dream rolled his eyes, running a hand through his sandy hair. "I signed Drista's, and I know for a fact that Eret signed Lani's. They're better off together."

"Until the ship explodes."

"On the bright side, it's a school-issued taxi ship," Tubbo said. "So it won't draw any attention!"

"I thought a starship would be safe," Phil grimaced. "Until it wasn't."

"That was only because of that super-secret prisoner aboard that nobody will tell me the identity of," Tommy complained. "No super-secret prisoners on the stupid fucking taxi, Phil. Just me and my class. And that bitch of a teacher."

"Don't worry, he has Drista," Dream added.

"Nice to see you on my side, big man."

"I'm not," the pilot said, leaning back and propping his feet up on the dash. "You and Ms-whatever-her-name-be are probably gonna get into some sort of catfight."

Wilbur whistled. "So then why do you want him to go?"

"Because Drista will whine and complain for all eternity," Dream shrugged. "Plus—this field trip has already happened three times in the past week with the exact teacher. It's not like the track meet at all. And Niki has Tommy's tracker."

"I swear to fucking God," Philza said as he signed off the datapad with a flourished sweep of his finger. Tommy resisted cheering out loud, alternatively doing a small revolution in place with a smirk and finger guns. "If you do not come back from this without a scratch, I am withdrawing you from Fleet school."

He swallowed. "Of course, Philza. You know everything, Philza. Everything and anything. The universe bows at your fingertips."

The Elytrian's eye twitched, his black feathers ruffling up. "Stop saying my name like that."

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