When nothing goes right...go left (I am so alone)

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"Phil," he said, holding out his datapad to the Elytrian and trying not to imagine similar wings on that of his friend. His friend, whose scars he had seen, two giant gashes across her back and a sad smile on her face. She said it doesn't hurt anymore, but Tommy knew she was lying—even if it hadn't hurt physically, it had to have mentally. Probably still did.

"Yeah, mate?" Phil asked him, looking up from his own datapad. They were standing—well, Tommy was standing; Phil was sitting in the captain's chair—on the bridge after school, and after Tommy had taken a shower, his hair still slightly damp and plastered to his forehead.

"I have my first track meet this weekend," he told him. "Uh—I need you to sign off the permission form."

"Oh?" Phil said. Wilbur glanced up from where he was translating something, eyes glittering with interest.

"You know..." he said, shuffling his feet. "Because you're my guardian and all that shit?"

"Aww, little Toms needs to get his permission formed signed to go on a field trip," Wilbur purred, face twinkling with merriment. Techno huffed loudly, not even looking up from the holo papers he was reading—almost sensing the argument.

"Bitch, you wish you were on Varsity track," he snorted. Wilbur had the audacity to roll his eyes, spinning around in his chair.

"Red and Ant will be there, right?" Dream inquired.

"You know them?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah," Dream said. "We did Manhunt together a few years back when I attended Fleet school." Tommy had no idea what that meant, but he also didn't want to hear Dream ramble on and on about his accomplishments, so he pretended to understand.

"Yep," Tommy answered finally. "They're pretty chill. When they're not flirting."

"The worst thing I ever did was help set them up," Dream grumbled good-naturedly.

"You'll be gone for the weekend, right?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah," Phil said, scanning the contents of the permission form.

"Hmm," Tubbo spoke up. Tommy had no idea if they were still on good terms, but it seemed like they were just ignoring that that conversation in the bathroom had ever happened. "Which planet?"

"Ah—the Evo system," Phil said. "Eh. It borders neutral space."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Neutral space," he pointed out. "Not Arachnid space."

Tubbo raised his hand. "I played them," he said. "It's not like nobody's ever been there before, Phil. They're a colony of Felines and Merlings."

"I'm aware, I've been to the Evo system," Phil said. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

He rolled his eyes, watching as Phil used his finger to sign off on the line and grabbed it back when the Elytrian proffered it to him. "I'll be fine. I'm just going to destroy them."

"I'll be sure to tell Sniff that," Phil said, sounding amused. "She'll look after you."

"She's my friend, not my babysitter."

Wilbur snorted. "Sometimes you need one, you baby gremlin child."

"I'm not a child!" he said, sounding pitifully whiney.

"Phil, when does he leave, again?" Techno asked. "I'm tired of him and Wil arguin'."

"Tomorrow," Tommy said in annoyance. "That soon enough for you, bitch boy?"

"Not soon enough," the half-Piglin grunted.

Phil flicked a hand. "All three of you need to stop acting so childish. Wilbur, stop antagonizing him. Technoblade, act like an adult. Tommy—stop purposely annoying Wil and Techno."

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