I'm 'allucinating 'n shit

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Not five seconds later, Niki burst into the room, catching the pair clasping hands and looking like deer caught in headlights, if deer weren't extinct on Earth and headlights were still the primary light used on vehicles.

"Oh my God," the Merling said, as Purpled and Tommy both stared at her, half in disbelief. "Clementine goes down for ten minutes, and Tommy wakes up—and then both of you fucking go missing, and we think—" she cut herself off, glancing around the room hesitantly.

"What?" Tommy said harshly as he took his hand back from Purpled. "We'd killed ourselves?" Purpled stepped lightly on his toes, and Tommy tried to pretend that there wasn't a weapon under the nearest couch—and that he might've, if the Human boy hadn't...convinced him not to.

Blackmailed was a better word.

Niki, despite being shorter and bearing pink and brown hair—the roots were beginning to show—eyed Tommy. "Yes," she said cautiously.

Tommy snorted and threw himself back on the couch. "Fair enough," he muttered.

Niki tsked. "Don't do that," she said in annoyance. "Your bandages will get messed up." Tommy raised an eyebrow, as if to ask do I give a fuck, and Niki crossed her arms. "Don't pull that look with me, mister. I already have enough shit on my hands without dealing with two rogue children that may or may not have a death wish." She beckoned with one hand. "Come on, back to the medbay we go."

"We?" Purpled asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You too, Purpled," Niki said. "I'd rather have all the kids in one place, thank you very much."

"Ranboo's dead," Tommy said, the words slipping out like foam over a waterfall. Niki froze suddenly, though, by the sadness that lingered in her eyes as she met Tommy's, she'd already known. "Tubbo—he—yeah."

"Freaked out?" Purpled asked.

Tommy shrugged. "I guess."

Niki frowned. "He's been basically catatonic for a while," she said. "After—you know. You got back."

"What happened?" Tommy asked, finally getting up and following the Merling out of the blue-lit room, Purpled firmly at his heels. "All I remember is a really bright light and then falling off a sand dune."

"Pretty sure you got struck by lightning, if the burns say anything," Niki said, with a wary grimace. "As for what happened...I have no idea." She eyed Tommy. "Techno went batshit crazy—still is, if you're wondering."

"Oh," Tommy said, swallowing down the lump in his throat. "He was fine when Charlie rescued us."

"Who?" Purpled asked sharply.

Tommy gestured widely, dropping his hand back to his side when the bandages tugged at his injured hand. "Charlie. Green-eyed guy with glasses. Brown hair. He not around?"

Niki shook her head slowly. "Tommy, there was nobody there except for you and Techno when the transport arrived."

"Oh," he said, his voice small. "Maybe I was 'allucinating him."

"For all your problems, Tommy, hallucinations ain't one of 'em," Purpled said.

"Purpled," Niki snapped. "Don't say that!"

"What? It's true!"

"Fair enough," Tommy pointed out, dissolving the argument. "This is a mess."

"It really is," Niki said quietly. "We have a guy coming in from Command in two days—if he's not back to his norm..." she trailed off.

Tommy felt his hands clench into fists. "They're going to take him, aren't they?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah," Niki said. "They are."

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