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Later the next day, Phil called a meeting with the lieutenants and the bridge commander—probably to do with their next mission since they'd been waiting for one for half a month. Since he wasn't cleared—obviously—Tommy waved goodbye to Tubbo, who had been sitting in the back of the makeshift classroom with Ranboo and Purpled, playing Mario Space-Cart. Then he turned back to his datapad homework on geometric shapes and wracked his brain, trying to remember what Grian had been absolutely obsessed with on Pogtopia.

God, he hated Advanced Subspace Geometry. He'd shared that class with Sniff. Internally, he winced.

"The tangent of theta is the adjacent over the hypotenuse, right?" Lani asked tentatively into the quiet room.

Tommy answered before their temporary math teacher, Harvey, could even look up from his daily ship scannings.

"It's the opposite over the adjacent, actually," he said numbly. He'd been dodging people all day—and had only run into Wilbur, who had hugged him until Tommy had struggled out of his grasp with a glare and had stalked off to find the bathroom. Other than that, he'd been holed up in the temp classroom with the rest of the children. Usually, he hated it, but now he was just glad that Harvey was pretending that the interview that he'd given yesterday hadn't ever happened.

"Nice job, Tommy," the Feline said. "That's correct." He returned to shifting through power relays—or, at least, Tommy assumed they were power relays. Tommy basked in the praise before scowling and returning to his own paper.

» Sorry to interrupt, Junior Lieutenant Harvey, but the bridge has a message for the room. «

Harvey glanced up, a look of surprise crossing his face. Tommy put down his screen pen and wondered what they wanted to tell him.

"I wonder what kind of mission they're doing," Drista muttered under her breath.

"Just for us?" Harvey clarified.

» Yes, sir. This message is not hitting any other parts of the ship except for you. I am quite sure that they would have sent a message to your datapads if Lieuentant Tubbo hadn't wisely pointed out that Purpled could have convinced you all to play a video game and leave your pads behind. «

Purpled snorted loudly.

"Right," Harvey said, glancing towards the screen, which was currently on pause as Ranboo and Purpled waited for Clementine to speak. "What's the message?"

» They want the adolescents in Briefing Room One. «

Harvey paused, eyes going from Tommy to Ranboo to Purpled. Tommy did not miss the look in his eyes that screamed Children's Rebellion.

"All of them?" the Feline asked, phrasing his question carefully.

» Yes. «

There was a pause.

» I am not allowed to give my own opinion, but my late captain always told me that I should be able to. I cannot read minds...but I believe, as the term goes...I know what you are thinking. «

Tommy winced, thinking of the coding that Sam had worked so hard on.

» This has nothing to do with the Children's Rebellion. «

He did not know whether he is relieved or angry.

» Captain Philza is very angry with Rear Admiral Toast at the minute, as orders from command have suggested that the next mission be given to the L'manburg on account of there being people below the age of eighteen.«

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