The Golden Gate Ain't Golden, And Neither Am I

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"Four to beam up," Philza said into his communicator when they had breached the surface. Tommy clung to the Elytrian girl—her name was Hannah—as they landed on the rock. He winced as his hand moved, and Hannah muttered a small apology.

You found them, Captain?!

Phil smiled at Fundy's excited voice. Tommy decided to speak up. "No!" he shouted. "Phil just picked up some orphans!"

Purpled, Ranboo, Niki, Techno, and Tubbo were waiting for them as they rematerialized away from Falir VI. Which he was glad for. He was never going back to that fucking ball of unstable rocks.

"Injuries?" Niki demanded, whipping out a scanner and going to Kristin first.

"Sprained ankle," the Human said, leaning on her husband. "He's the worse one-off."

Niki descended on him with a rage of a thousand suns, and she had Techno carry him to medbay, the half-Piglin surprisingly gentle as Kristin ambled beside them.

"Wait a second," Purpled said, as Techno set him on a cot with a certain dexterity that made him sigh with relief. "Aren't we orphans?"

"What?" he asked, confused. "No, no more hyposprays, Niki, please, I'm—OW! What the hell?"

"Numbing," the Merling said through narrowed eyes, tossing one to Ranboo, who administered it a bit gentler to Kristin in the bed over. "You're staying overnight. You're a mess."

"But Kristin doesn't have to," he whined as she pulled out a bone knitter.

Niki clucked her tongue. "Kristin doesn't get into a medical mess every twenty-four hours," she pointed out. "Also, I trust her not to sprint everywhere the moment she can put weight on her ankle."

"That's just rude."

"To be fair, Tommy, you were suggesting we climb out," Kristin said.

"You were trying to WHAT?" Niki shouted, looking crazier and crazier by the second.

"I wasn't!" he said. "It was merely a delusional statement!" Tubbo snickered, and Purpled rolled his eyes. "Please don't give me another hypospray."

"Don't worry," Niki drawled. "You're only allowed to have seven within the hour anyway. Here's six more."


"Stop being a baby," she chastised him. "It's just a needle."

"What if it breaks inside?" he asked, as she held down his arm and pushed another numbing hypospray inside. He refused to admit in the slightest that it helped the pain—he wouldn't.

"We're on a spaceship, Tommy. Modern technology has evolved. It's not going to break inside." She glanced over at Ranboo. "His wrist isn't broken. It's fractured, and the bone knitter isn't going to cut it. Can you go get the microscopic laser?"

"EXCUSE ME?" he shouted.

"Shh," Niki said. "We'll knock you out. When you're awake, your arm will be in a cast and your fingers in a splint. You should be out of it tomorrow—hell, if it were anyone else, I'd let them leave after a bit of rest with a careful warning. You? No. You're staying."

"But Niki..."

"That's Lieutenant Nihachu to you."

Tommy cast a pleading gaze to the rest of the room's occupants, including the three boys around his own age, but everyone had varying degrees of amusement on their faces—save Techno, who just looked bored.

"So," Niki said, spinning around. Tommy yelped as he spied the hypospray in her left hand. She pulled a mask over her face and glared at everyone else. "The rest of you need to move over. Ranboo, I need you to be my assistant for this surgery." She rolled her eyes at Tommy's reaction. "Oh, relax. It's minor."

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