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"Wake up whores!"

"Bali...if you don't SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kaash screamed from her room.

"I won't. We got a whole day ahead of us and we all wanna pair up so we can get outta here...right? Okay den!"

PP swung their door open, "It's 10!"

"And we wasted enough time. Let's just get up," Bk yawned, opening up her door too.

"Suck my dick," Kaash mumbled, flinging the covers off of her. "Who tryna spend the day in my bed?" she shouted out.

"No one," you could hear Bk snicker out in the hall.

"You're not finna be in PP's either, so chill," Kaash stuck her head out, glaring at Bk.

"Mm. You see. I'm not the second most annoying here," Bk chuckled.

"Who's the first?" ppcocaine asked, amused by their fighting.

"Bali, obviously," Kaash stated, giving Bk a dirty look.

"Why don't you go for something you can attain. Bali wants you," Bk shrugged, closing her room door.

"I'd say the same shit to you, Bk!" Kaash called out. "You can't bag PP!"

"And who says she can't?" PP asked, tilting their head, and closing their door.

"Fuck," Kaash grunted, closing her door too.

Fuzz was already up, getting her clothes together as Bali made her way down the hall to make breakfast, already dressed.

"Anymore mysterious notes?" Kodie asked Fuzz, standing in her own doorway with nothing more than a robe on, watching Fuzz from across the hall.

She travelled over to Fuzz's room, watching her get her things out. "Found anything?"

"Nah. No notes, and no clue of what I should wear for today. I'm sure there's some sort of activity to be planned- we have to be leaving the mansion at some point right?"

"I packed a swimsuit, but looks like we won't be spending much time in fresh air. More like AC," Kodie chuckled.

Fuzz laughed too, biting her lip a little. "Hey, Kodie. Could you close my room door please?"

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