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"...fine." Kodie and Bk high fived each other, embracing and grinning from ear to ear.

"Maneee, I thought we were gonna be stuck here forever. This was some Truman Show type shii," Kodie laughed, rocking as she held Bk.

"So when do we get to leave?" Bk turned back to the TV as it disappeared back into the wall.

"Under the same conditions as the others. You must confirm the pairing," the sponsor stated.

"Sex hungry ass," Kodie murmured.

"We'll do it. But with a spin," Bk smirked.

"And that is...? I don't usually negotiate that much," the sponsor admitted.

"We do it...outside," Bk proposed.

"Outside?" Kodie shot her a look. "In the rain? Shawty are you-

Bk nudged her, keeping her from continuing.

"Yes. That's our final compromise. We'd like to do it in front of the gate. Where the camera crews are," Bk added.

"This will be aired on a television network! This isn't porn!" the sponsor roared. "I won't have my plans ruined. In this house like everyone else."

"Us being here- My being here will give you more ratings than any other pair, I can bet. A passionate sex scene out in the rain is a good way to end all of this drama. A nice, soothing fall from the climax of the day," Kodie said softly. "But if you're stuck on having things your way, maybe you don't realize what a mistake that would be," Kodie stated, realizing Bk's intentions.

Well, at least somewhat.


Bk and Kodie nodded at each other, holding hands and slowly walking towards the end of the hall. They both stared out of the window, Bk resting her hands on the window sill.


Glimmering blood stretched out across the palm of her hand. Glass had cut it. "Be careful," Kodie whispered, looking over at her as both of their eyes connected, hair whipping in the wind.

"Oh c'mon! Go out through the front door! It's unlocked now. I don't need any broken necks!" the sponsor complained.

Hands joined, both of them walked through the house, taking in everything they had come to known in this short, short amount of time.

Once they made it to the front door, Kodie looked over at Bk. "By the way...I liked you since the beginning. I was just too shy to say it to you...or to really admit it to myself."

Bk blushed a little, "Sorry for being so distracted by PP then."

"So what's the plan?" Kodie asked lowly.

"Go ahead then! Go and officiate the pairing!" the sponsor said over the intercom.

"We run like hell to the gates and hope they aren't electric because we're gonna escape," Bk whispered with wild eyes.

"I didn't wanna make love to you on the TV screen anyways," Kodie tan a finger down her lips, "We can save that for later."

"On the count of three," Bk nodded.

"Go and have sex!" the sponsor screamed.


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