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"Knock knock?"

"Don't ever say dat shit in my presence ever again," Bali rolled her eyes, laid out on the bed. "You can come in, Bk."

Bk timidly shut the door behind herself making Bali's head snap in her direction, "What do you want?"

"To talk. I thought a little bit more on the double meaning your words could have held earlier," she shrugged.

"As far as," Bali hurried her on, waving her hand.

"You want Kaash. I want PP. So maybe you'd like it if we helped out each other?"

"Maybe I would," Bali agreed, not admitting anything as she sat up straight.

"Theoretically, how could we help one another out?"

"The first step is that you need to bag PP. If they're single, Kaash is gonna be on them like a dog on meat. Even cuffed, Kaash will still probably want PP, but by then you'll around have them wrapped around your little strap," Bali laughed. "Then that will leave Kaash with no one else but me."

"They give me and Kaash the same amount of attention. I don't think PP takes me or Kaash much serious. Other than to toy wit us," Bk shrugged. "So getting them with me would be the biggest hurdle."

"Hmm. You need to stand out then. The way you hop up after PP like a lost puppy- like Kaash does, certainly won't make you stand out to them."

"So I should be more reserved...appear uninterested?"

"No. People hate when prospective partners do that," Bali rolled her eyes. "Why would I want someone uninterested in me? You need to show them the right amount of respect and attention, but realize that you aren't in competition with Kaash. You have to act like you've already been chosen by them. Not like you're waiting to be, Bk."

"I'll try," Bk sighed.

"Then once you have them bagged I can start working on my Kaash pooh," Bali smiled happily. "Now go on, get to work," Bali clapped her hands.

Bk nodded, leaving the room.

Bali laid back on her bed, smiling up at her ceiling as all of her cards fell into place.

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