Chapter 1

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Today is the day Daniel gets the confidence punched out of him by Zack.

Not good.

I wake up early in the morning, because I wanted to make sure to be there on time.

I take a shower, get dressed and accessorised, put on my eyeliner both above and below my eyes, and I'm out of the house. Wondering around the area the scene happens, I find myself a cafe to eat breakfast at while waiting for stuff to happen.
People are looking at me weird. Not in the way Daniel gets looked at in either of his bodies, I mean I'm not ugly or extremely jaw dropping, I'm sort of just peculiar for these people.

. . .

Finally, outside the window I see little body Daniel looking at himself in the glass window of the shop across from here, with Mira standing not too far behind looking quite concerned. As I'm exiting the shop Daniel flashes that awkward terrifying smile at her. Damn.

As I make my way closer, I see Zack coming into the situation. Mira holds him back from trying to fight baby Daniel and they leave.

Without the inner monologue Daniel just standing there making those weird faces is even more creepy, like seriously his expression changes in weird ways. And right now I as a passerby without context would be quite concerned.

Anyways, he finally decides to go after them, so I wait a few seconds before stopping my pretend reading of a journal I pulled out of nowhere, and I follow after them. Though I do walk to make sure it's not obvious I was stalking them. I really don't want to end up being seen as an enemy of those guys and like by reaction, everyone else in J-high too.

Including Jay.

That would be terrible.

Anyways, I wait till Daniel gets punched for the first time, before quickly stepping in and stopping Zack's fist. Hehe. Bet you didn't expect me to have a good grip? Well me neither but having a lot of money means I'm able to afford training equipment, so I've been gaining a muscle base in preparation of surviving the absolute train of shit that we're about to face. Also because Jay seemed to like how Daniel looked so I thought I'd have more chances if I had a little more muscles than I do now... But we don't talk about that reason.

Zack yanks his arm back away from my grip, while the insult or whatever he was about to say to me die in his throat as he looks at me confused. I know, it's not everyday you meet a weirdly goth ish teen with a duck ton of earrings and overall jewelry with a pastel green blouse with soft embroidery flowers looking at you with the most neutral no nothing face you've ever seen. I mean like,, this comic has a great lack of goth styles, it's no surprise.

I live for confusion. It's my air.

Anyways, we all just stand there for a moment, and the crowd around us also goes into an awkward silence, no one really knows like where we're supposed to go from there.

Eh I guess it falls on me to say something?

"Dude said he was trying to clear up a misssunderstanding, could've just declined the coffee and went on your way."

Zack just stares at me. Then he seems to regain his senses.

"Don't come into this you freak!"

"Well I already did, so not much I can do about that now, chief."

I just shrug. I mean I really didn't think this through, despite having had a while to do so. I mean I stalked these people to be here, in this moment. Eh, I'm going to put this on you, Sanity. Why didn't you try and make me think about the plan before we started acting on it, huh!?

Meanwhile Zack started spitting some bullshit I don't know I don't really care much, but Mira held him back and bam they on their way.

I turn to the crowd and death stare them all, so they disperse.

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