Talking a bit

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Meanwhile with ink who was writing things down on a piece of paper, humming as he heard error come back from visiting misery and his gang.

"Soooo how was the visit?" Ink asked cheerfully.

"It was the same as always, somethings got thrown into the wall a few times." Error responded back as he sat down in his hammock, curling up in it a bit to think.

"That's as interesting as always! My friends aren't as chaotic as yours. But it's very interesting!" Ink happily told error who let out a hum in response.

"Anything else happen?" Ink asked curiously as he continued to write down possible places for dates and how to ask error out.

Error paused for a few seconds, "well I found out n-misery definitely dated someone. Not sure who or how many."

Inks eye sockets widen a bit as he paused his writing and turned his head to look at error with surprise, "really!? I didn't know that! That's very interesting! Oh I'm definitely going to try and guess who it was! Maybe let one of my friends know and we can guess together!"

Error hide his amusement, yes, ink was definitely someone who will gossip a bit if it's not secretive stuff or thinks the one involved won't mind.

Ink sat up from where he was laying down with an excited grin on his face, oh he's definitely  going to guess who misery was seeing or may still be seeing now.

Oh now he wants to ask misery who it was, but that can be for later after his first successful date with error.

So for now he'll focus on this first before he even thinks about asking misery anything.

So ink went back to focusing and writing more things down for other places that he knew code likes to go and hang out in sometimes then just outertale.

Hopefully this shows code he's been paying attention to what he likes and where he likes to go, he does that for all of his friends but if he's really into code, then this should be way more special for their first date.

He'll need to figure out which place would be super special for code for their first date. Ink thought to himself, tongue sticking out a little bit as he wrote more places and possible ideas for their first date.

It had to be really special for the both of them, had to be somewhere they both liked to go every now and then, everything had to be great for their first date.

Maybe...the first au he and code first met in...? They still go there too...and it was a very nice au that he had made specially that he didn't remember if it was even an au that someone made in his past life or not...

It would be special to the both of them due to it being the first au that the two even met in, in the first place...

Hmm something he has to think about...

Meanwhile, error was definitely not watching ink...ok no he definitely was, but it was kinda cute how inks tongue sticks out a bit while writing whatever it was down with a thoughtful and distracted look on his face.

Error wondered what ink was writing, well he'll find out if ink shares it with him or not.

Error thought looking a little distracted as he watched ink write more things down, filling the paper up fully before another piece of paper was grabbed for more writing.

Huh, he must have a lot of ideas for something..maybe a party? It's been a while since ink planned one with his friends and all...

He'll  will know when ink tells him or not. Especially if it was a sunrise party or something...error tilted his head as he watched ink continue to write things down.

Finished with 952 words hope you like and comment what you think.

I also forgot to include a few others from codes multiverse that will have came with misery and the gang to inks multiverse.

I have one character so far, I'll include about two or three others, and between those three or four, will be one of the ones misery is dating so chose carefully now.

Ja ne~

Lol so quite a few of you liked the poly relationship of code, ink, and inks life time friend nightmare.

Well ok I'll see if I can manage it. I just wanted to ask because someone liked the idea of it poly with those three.

I'll see if I can manage it or not.

Inks friends,
Undertale, Sans, Papyrus          Underswap, Blue, stretch Swapfell, Black, slim Underfell, Boss Reapertale, Reaper Errortale, Error, miscal Mafia tale, Misfire Horrortale, Axe, sugar Dreamtale, Nightmare, Dream Dreamswap, Lightmare, lunar Fellswap, Fell, gold Outertale, Galaxy, outer Dusttale, Dust, cream Killertale, Killer, puff Starfell, Star, planet Handplates, Youth, lad Epic tale, Epic, titan Abysstale Abyss, void Undersoul, Angel, soul, celestial Underbeats, Beats, rhythm Newertale, Kin, newer Momma cq, geno/crisp?, error/thread, fresh/vibe UNDERFRESH/freshtale, Fresh Xtale, Cross, x
Codes multiverse-

Error/code   Blue/sky      Fresh/swagger

Nightmare-misery   Horror-dread Dust-ash     Cross- shirt     Killer- onyx

(I forgot to include a few others that came, it will be shown next chapter in this area)
Underswap, blue, stretch Underfell, red, boss
Reapertale, reaper, grim Swapfell, black, slim
Errortale, error, miscal/idk       Mafiatale, guns, misfire
Horrortale, horror/mars/axe, sugar/Jupiter
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Dusttale, dust, cream, Dreamswap, wings/idk yet,Lighmare,
Fellswap, fell, gold, Outertale, outer, galaxy, Undertale, sans, papyrus, Epictale, epic, titan, Killertale, killer, puff, Quantumtale, sans/tk, papyrus/tempo
Handplates, youth, lad, Starfell, star, planet, Undersoul, soul, angel, celestial, Abysstale, abyss, void, Underbeats, beats, nico/rhythm 
Newtale, kin, newer/redo, Momma Cq, Geno/crisp, error/thread, fresh/vibe
Underfresh/Freshtale, fresh, pop,
Xtale, cross, x/idkyet

And of those with nicknames that have a /? You can vote on or add a new nickname for possible choosing

Or even idk on it you can vote

amv error sans x ink


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