Entry 1: The Comet

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Identification: Explorer 16

Location: Hispania

Name: Alio Vitae Vichipaedia

Alias: "Curious Alio"

July 17, 705

Due to my recent birthday and reaching adulthood, the council of Hispania granted me permission to join the team of explorers whose mission is the discovery and documentation of new places, cultures, fauna and flora.

Thanks to my reputation as the "Curious Alio" and my academic results in related fields, I was selected among the top 20 to explore the most inhospitable places with help from the state at my request by carrier pigeon.

On my first day I head out to the vast Pacific Ocean to document possible unrecorded marine species or even lost islands. For this, I requested a sailing barge with the necessary supplies to travel for months, a telescope and necessary materials for documentation such as this logbook that I like to call "Unusual Diary" since I have a feeling that I will find incredible things on my way.

Finally, I was given seeds for a possible afforestation and cultivation of sterile territories and later conquest by the elven kingdom of Hispania.

During the following days the sightings of the mainland were nil as expected from this great ocean. The fauna found was common: seagulls, dolphins, whales, sharks and other known marine species.

Except for some hectic storm, nothing unusual happened in my first days, until suddenly, one night when I was observing the starry sky with my telescope, a red light dazzled me, and when I focused I could see that a large meteor with a crystalline appearance like of a comet was approaching Earth with an imminent trajectory.

Judging by its dimensions (about several kilometers in diameter) the impact could be catastrophic for life on Earth.

However, in an unknown way, this had an inexplicable gradual slowdown that changed the color of the glass to a bluish hue and then veered off to a much safer horizontal path in the direction of this very ocean that averted a major cataclysm and turned around my mission completelly as well as almost my ship by the wave that caused the impact.

Immediately send a carrier pigeon to Hispania to request the investigation of this crystal impact that I will call "Cold Star" or its abbreviation "Frigustella".

My request was granted, and I headed out on adventure

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