Entry 6: Frigustella Ecosystem

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21 of July 705

After following the morning routine with Chispas, as always I go to review the evolution of the plantations, something was gestating at night while we slept, finally the frigustella has been in contact with the inert and living beings of this island for a long time, a great diversity biocrystalline is developing:

Hand-sized stone golems walking in different shapes, little moss people, little lichen herders, water fairies, fireflies of light, little armored forest goblins and more, it's not long before I write them all down in my journal while Sparky follows me fascinated to see his new relatives, they get scared and bristle like a cat, showing threatening reddish tones, but then they relax and exchange sounds of cups of water.

When I finish writing down the area I can't help but think that the same thing must be happening all over the island, my desire to discover everything is tireless, while a thousand doubts cross my mind. What are they based on to form? Are they immortal? What happens if I remove their crystal? I know that it happens in contact with inert beings and plants, but what would happen in contact with animals? And with people? What would happen, if you attached it to a corpse? Thousands of experiments are beginning to be devised in my mind, although I am not willing to answer the last question.

Then I prepare for the trip around the island taking into account several days of camping. To my surprise, for a change, Sparks begins to use his energy to fly in orbit around me and we begin the adventure.

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