Chapter 1

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"Are you sure?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, go have fun!

"Okay..." Sophie was in Kurt's arms and Rachel gave her a kiss.

"Bye sweetie! We'll be back soon!" Finn gave her a kiss as well.

"Bye, love you!" Finn walked out the door but Rachel stood in the doorway a moment.


"Fine!" She groaned before shutting the door and Sophie and him were left by themselves.

"Kurt?" He looked up at the lawyer. "Are you going to sign the paper?" He then looked at Sophie on her play mat before back at the paper.

"Yeah." Kurt said, writing his signature on the line. Well, there we go. He officially has custody of a human being. They finished things up and the lawyer headed out. Kurt just sat with Sophie on the floor, tears falling down his face. She fussed and he knew she missed her parents.

"I know. I miss them too." He picked her up and just held her. "It's gonna be okay." He said, tears continuing to roll down his cheeks.

Blaine stood in front of a mirror, looking at himself in his uniform. It was finally happening. His first day as a police. He couldn't even believe it. After he had time to actually process this, he headed out to work. Yeah, he was scared but the excitement took over. He was going to be able to help others which was important to him. Keeping people safe.

Once he got to work, he headed inside, and the day started. It was pretty chill since it was the first day but great. He knew this was what he wanted to do before but after actually doing it, he was even more certain he loved it. Going home, he called his best friend, Wes.

"Sup Blainey!"

"What have we said about calling me that?"

"You said not to. I said BLAINEYYYY!!!" Blaine laughed at him.

"I hate you."

"How was work?"

"Good! Great, actually. I loved it."

"Great! And how sexy are you in the uniform?" He laughed again.

"Pretty sexy if I must say so myself!"

"Good... now you can get all the guys."

"Yup! Probably gonna head to the bar soon."

"Can I join? Help scope all the cutest guys out?"

"Of course!"

"Good. See you tonight!"

"Okay. How's 6:30 sound?"

"Great!" He hung up, got dressed, plopped on his bed, and took a nap before heading out.

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