Chapter 9

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I woke up on my couch with my head on Blaine's shoulder. I looked around. The tv had turned off automatically, it was pitch black outside, and the only light available was from a tiny lamp in the corner.

"What time is it?" I looked over and Blaine had lifted his head, rubbing his face. To answer his question, I tapped my phone screen to look at the time.

"Yikes. 12." He groaned.

"You could always just stay here since it's so late. Not like you haven't before." He nodded.

"Thank you." I nodded and then gave him a kiss. We both smiled at each other before I got up, heading to my room quietly. Blaine followed and we both laid down, passing out.

Luckily, Sophie's finally been sleeping through the night recently. They're supposed to around 6 months but Sophie's almost 1. I think she's been late to everything because she basically had to redo her childhood because of what happened. She was used to Finn and Rachel and now I'm here as her parent.

I woke up when Sophie did. I didn't want to wake Blaine up so I took her out of the room and we did everything out there. Diaper change, feeding, getting dressed, etc.

I sat her on her play mat and sat next to her. She's been rolling onto her stomach recently and it's honestly super adorable. She was on her stomach and just looking at me, giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked, poking one of her chubby little cheeks. She continued to giggle. "You're just soooo adorable!" She put her arms in front of her and pulled herself forwards a little. Gasping, I covered my mouth. She did it again. "OH MY GOD!" I stood up and grabbed my phone. Blaine opened the door, confused.

"What?" I pointed at her as I started recording. She had paused but started doing it again when he looked. He widened his eyes and walked over.

"She's crawling she's crawling she's crawling!!!" I squealed incoherently. Then I started FaceTiming dad. He flipped too. One she stopped, I continued praising her a while.

"So..." dad started.

"Hmm?" I asked, picking my phone back up and looking at him.

"I found this cute house. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1,354 square feet."


"I think you need to move out of your small apartment. Sophie needs her own room. I mean, you have a kid." I sighed.

"How much is it?"

"$224,500." I sighed again.

"Ok. I'll look at it."

"Cool. I'll send you the info."

Dad: 1340 Fairgreen Ave, Lima, OH 45805

I got off the phone with dad and opened up the listing. I looked through the pictures and it was actually super cute. Had a nice backyard with a deck too.

"I like it." Blaine said, looking over my shoulder.

"I do too." So I contacted the realtor and set up a tour in a few days.

Dad was definitely right. Sophie's turning 1 in 2 months and I still have her sleeping in my room. Not only does she need her own room but Blaine could probably stay over more. I'd really enjoy that. It feels like everything is right in life. I have an amazing boyfriend, adorable child, hopefully a beautiful house... I just couldn't ask for anything more. I feel like thinking about the reality of maybe having an actual house made me realize how amazing my future could be.

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