Chapter 8

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What my dad had said has been getting to me. I feel like I've been avoiding Blaine. I haven't been trying to. I guess I'm just nervous to see him. Not that he knows what my dad suggested. I just am not sure I want it to be true. Don't get me wrong, I like Blaine a lot. I just had a rough ending with Ben and don't need another one with Blaine. Since Ben, I think I've been scared of falling in love again.

"What is this?" I asked, tears pricking my eyes.

"I— umm..." Ben stuttered, staring at me holding his phone.

"Who is Dean and why have you two been flirting nonstop. Not only flirting but—" I looked through his messages for the most incriminating message I found. "I had so much fun the other night on our date."


"ME TOO! I think we should go out again!"


"Oh definitely!" He grabbed his phone from my hand, putting it in his pocket. He then tried to put his hands on my shoulders but I pushed him away. "DONT PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME!"

"Kurt?" I looked up from my computer, wiping my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm." Blaine walked into my office, shutting the door. He sat across from me, concerned.

"I thought we were closer than this." I chuckled.

"We are. I just don't think you want me bringing up an ex."

"I can relate with rough exes. Talk. If you want, that is."

"My dad just mentioned him the other day and I guess I've been having flashbacks. He umm— cheated on me."

"Damn. Kurt, I'm so sorry."

"It was a while ago. I don't know why I'm thinking about it or even still upset."

"You should be. You probably cared about him a lot." I nodded. He stood up and started walking around my desk, motioning for me to stand. So I did and he gave me a hug.

"You should be treated amazing because that's what you are. Anyone who treats you anything less than that doesn't deserve you." I smiled into his shoulder.

"Thanks Blaine!" He backed up and looked at me.

"No problem." I sat down and he headed back to the chair he was in. "Now, for why I came here..."

"Uh oh. Am I in trouble?"

"Are you avoiding me?" I froze. His jaw dropped. "Why?"

"I just— my stupid dad."

"He hates me after what happened, doesn't he?"

"No. He just said something that shook me up. But I'm fine now. I promise. I think your visit helped."


"And I was thinking..."


"You know, we've never really specified what we are." I said quietly, looking down at my fidgeting hands."

"I guess not officially. What do you want?"

"What do you want?" We both laughed.

"I mean, I asked first but whatever. I guess I'll be the bigger person." We laughed again. "That's honestly another reason I came here. I was going to ask if you maybe wanted to be my boyfriend?" I smiled.

"I mean... maybe. I'll have to think about it." He scoffed and we both started laughing for the millionth time. "I'm kidding. Of course I do!"

"Good." He reached across my desk and rested a hand over mine. I just couldn't stop examining him.

"You gotta stop visiting me in that uniform."


"Oh, you know why." He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah!" He said, proudly.

I'm happy Blaine and I made it official. I like him a lot. Dad was right. I haven't liked anyone like that since Ben. It was so long ago but I'm still scared to like someone like that. I don't want what happened to happen again. I trust Blaine. But I also trusted Ben. I don't know what to think anymore.

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