Chapter 10

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It was Sophie's birthday. She's turning 1! I had contacted the realtor about the house and we had moved in a few days ago. That means that we could have her party here! I did have to rush to unpack and organize though. Blaine helped me do that quickly and we stayed up long every night to make sure it was done by today. I woke up when Sophie did and headed to her room.

"Happy birthday!" I squealed, kissing her cheek. Then I headed to the kitchen.

Blaine got there shortly after, walking in and to the kitchen to join. He kissed Sophie's chubby little cheek before giving me a kiss on the lips. Soft. I smiled after, putting my hand on his cheek. Of course he still had to be in his uniform from his night shift.

"You gotta stop wearing this here."

"I wanted to come straight here though because I missed you so much!" I laughed and kissed him again.

"I guess that makes sense."

"Yeah." I smiled and looked at Sophie before looking back at him.

"Todays gonna be great." I whispered.

"I know." Blaine replied. "You love this child so much, you'll do anything to make sure it's perfect."

"How could I not love her?" I said to Sophie in my baby voice. I then headed to the kitchen to get her food. As I was opening a container, I heard a knock at the door. Blaine grabbed the container from me and motioned to the door, telling me to go and he'll start feeding her. So I did. I headed to the door and opened it.

"Hey!" I dropped my jaw.

"Carole!" I yelled, giving her a hug.

"Hey honey. How've you been?"


"Yeah?" I nodded. "I thought you weren't able to come."

"I wasn't until last minute so figured I'd surprise you! Your dad told me your new address."

"That's great! Uh- come in!" She came in and set her bag down by the door.

"Ooh, I love it!"

"Thanks!" I said, motioned her to follow me. Blaine looked over as we entered the room.

"This is Blaine, my boyfriend." He waved at her and put Sophie's food down. "Blaine, this is Carole. Finn's mom."

"Nice to meet you!" He said, turning around. Of course he knew all about Finn because of Sophie.

"Nice to meet you too!" Blaine said, before yawning.

"Babe, go take a nap. You'll be up later with us so you have time." I said, walking up next to him.

"You sure?"

"Of course."

"Thanks." He said, then looking at Carole. "I'll see you later." She smiled and nodded.

"He had a shift all night so is exhausted." She nodded.

"So, a cop?" I smiled.


"Couldn't resist the uniform, huh?"

"It's not like that.... I met him at a bar and then remet him getting pulled over..." she started laughing.


"It's not how it sounds. Kinda. Sophie was a baby and she wouldn't shut up in the car so I decided to lean back and put a pacifier in her mouth and i guess I was speeding and swerving so he pulled me over. Then I started crying because I was sleep deprived and she wouldn't stop crying and I didn't know why so he helped me make her stop crying, gave me tips on driving with a baby, and we just bonded so he gave me his number." She just stood there with her jaw dropped a little. "Yeah I know. But I never got a ticket from him so I'm fine." That made her laugh.

"As long as you don't get a ticket." I nodded.

Blaines POV

I walked into Kurt's room, putting my gun in the safe. I got one for his place because a lot of times I go there straight after work but have to keep my gun locked up. I then laid on his bed, basically passing out immediately.

I felt arms wrap around me and I opened my eyes, looking back to see Kurt. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"Is it time already?"

"No. I just wanted to say hi."

"Hi." He laughed and kissed me again. Then, he dug his face in my shoulder.


"Mhm?" He sighed and then looked down more so his face wasn't buried in my shoulder but his head was resting on my shoulder blade. I could tell he was nervous. I turned my whole body so I was facing him and grabbed his face. "What's wrong?"

"I uh- love you." I smiled and chuckled.

"I love you too!" Then he sighed of relief. "Why were you so nervous?"

"I didn't know if you felt the same."

"Of course I do. We've been officially together for a few months but known each other for way longer. I feel like I felt this when we started dating because it already felt like we were dating before it was official." He nodded. "I wasn't going to say it because I know you were hesitant because if your last relationship. I wanted you to be comfortable." He sighed.

"This is why I love you!" I smiled and gave him a kiss.

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