Chapter 4

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I was sitting in bed, staring at this slip of paper. It had been a few days since he gave it to me. It was around 7 so Sophie was in bed. I picked up the phone but set it back down a little later. This had been like a cycle. Stare at the slip, pick up the phone, occasionally type a few numbers but immediately delete them, set the phone back down, start over.

It was nearing 8 and I typed the whole number. My finger hovered over the delete button but I got a sudden flow of courage as I quickly pressed call. I shook and bit my nail as it rang.

"Hello?" My eyes widened and I froze a moment.

"Hey, Blaine? It's Kurt." I heard him shuffle and there was a moment of silence

"H-hey! I didn't expect you to actually call." I laughed.

"Yeah, took me a few days to gain the courage. Plus I've been a little busy, as you know." He laughed this time. "Umm— I was just wondering if you'd want to go out sometime soon?"

"Yeah, of course! Umm— how's... Sunday?"

"That works for me!"

"Alright and I was thinking we could go to this small diner I know. It's good and never really busy. I can send

"Okay! And what time?"


"Sounds good."

"Okay, see you then!"

"See you then!" I hung up, still shaking. But I was smiling. I haven't been on a date in forever and I even asked him out! Growth.

The day of our date eventually came and I was pretty excited. Dad came over to watch her while I left. He loves Sophie so was excited too. I got to the restaurant and just stared at the building, realizing how nervous I am.

"Ok Kurt... you've got this!" I said to myself. I checked myself in the mirror before getting out. As I got out, I saw Blaine getting out of his car as well. He was only a few cars down. We made eye contact and we both smiled and waved. We met in the middle.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Then we headed in.

Our lunch date had been going well. We had a lot to talk about and he loved the place I picked too. He is very funny just like I remembered. I mean some of the night at the bar is a blur but I remembered his good qualities. Hopefully there are no bad ones.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked me.

"Nope! Just me."

"That must be great."

"Don't you love your brother?" I asked, laughing.

"He's okay. I mean, yeah, love the guy but he's also my brother."

"I get it kinda. We had this glee club in high school and we were kinda like a big family so when we'd go on trips for whatever competitions, they'd always try to annoy each other."


"Can't imagine living with that for years though."

"Yeah, but there are good moments." I nodded.

"So how many kids does your brother have?"

"2. A girl, Lindsey, and a boy, Cameron."

"Aw. How young?"

"2 and 4."

"Cute!" He nodded, pulling his phone out.

"He just posted a picture of them together and it's the cutest thing ever!" He showed me and Linsey was older, blonde, blue eyes. Must resemble the mother because of his brother looks anything like him, that's not how his kid would look. Cameron was younger, resembling Blaine more. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"They're adorable!"

"Yeah. Literally my favorite kids ever!"

"Lindsey must resemble the mom?"

"Oh, definitely! She's gorgeous." Blaine took a drink of his wine so I looked down at my phone. I had realized I hadn't in a while so had no clue what time it was.

"Oh my god!"

"What?" Blaine asked.

"It's 5." His jaw dropped.

"It has NOT been 4 hours." We both started laughing.

"I should probably head back to Sophie. I feel bad for my dad babysitting once again. After a whole week of basically parenting her."

"I get it." Once the waitress walked past, I asked for the check. Blaine tried to grab it but I intercepted.

"Im the one who asked you out which means I pay." He rolled his eyes but let me.

"Fine! I'll pay next time them." Next time? So he wants a next time? Cause I totally do...

"Deal!" We paid and then he walked me to my car.

"I'd say we could go to the bar but we don't need to recreate last time." I groaned and covered my face.

"Please don't even bring that up! Oh god, that was so embarrassing." He smiled.

"Not embarrassing. Funny!" I gave a nervous chuckle. "Plus, I'd want you to remember everything about tonight."

"Yeah?" He nodded.

"Especially this..." and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. It felt like time just stopped and we were the aonly two people in the world. And fireworks. Lots and lots of them. We finally managed to pull apart after a moment because we didn't need anyone to see.

"So... I'll call you?" I nodded. "Kay. Bye."

"Bye." I got into the car and smiled wider than ever, letting out a little squeal.

I got home and when I shut the door, I leaned against it, smiling.

"You okay?" I snapped out of my daze and looked at dad down the hall.

"Yeah, of course!" I said, walking over and grabbing Sophie. "HEY!!!" My baby voice came out since she's too dang cute. "Thanks dad, I appreciate it!"

"No problem. I love her."

"Me too. Look at her face." I turned so she was facing him and squeezed her chubby little cheeks. He laughed.

"Okay... I'll call later when she's asleep."

"Okay." We said our goodbyes before he headed out.

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