Chapter 18

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4 years later...

Blaine and I were dead asleep. It was the middle of the night so why wouldn't we be. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my arm. I woke up and turned to see Sophie standing there.

"Sweetie. What's wrong?" I asked, turning towards her. Blaine also woke up, lifting his head.

"I had a bad dream." She whispered. I looked back at Blaine and he moved over a little more.

"Come on. Get in bed." I sat and lifted her, putting her between us. She got under the blanket and laid on her back.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"No." I turned back to face her and she grabbed my hand.

"It's okay. It's not real. Just remember that."

"Yeah..." I kissed her head and closed my eyes.

In the morning, Sophie and I woke up when Blaine was unlocking his safe. She went back to bed but I got up, kissing him goodbye for work. After he put his gun in his holster, I wrapped my arms around him.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Mhm. Just wanna say bye." He smiled.

"I love you."

"Love you too!" He kissed me this time. "You should stay home today. I'm off. We could spend the whole day together." I kissed him again before glancing at sophie to make sure she was asleep. "We could drop sophie off at my dads and stay home... in bed... all day." He sighed.

"That sounds REALLY tempting but I can't. I promise when I get home from work, I'll take you up on that offer though." I laughed and he broke apart from me, heading out of the room. I followed.

"Why can't you?"

"I'm a police officer. I can't just call off." I groaned, still following him everywhere. He was laughing at me, knowing I was being ridiculous. He eventually had to leave so I joined Sophie again. She was awake again, looking at the ceiling.

"Morning Soph!"

"Morning." She said, sad.

"You okay?" I asked, laying next to her.

"That bad dream I had..." she started.


"Daddy got hurt."

"I'm sorry." I said, putting my hand on her head. "That must have been scary." She nodded. "He's okay though. He's not hurt. He'll be home after work and we all hang out. Maybe it'll make you feel better." She nodded.


"Okay." I repeated.

Sophie and I were at dads for a little later in the day. He lives close to the station so I decided to take Sophie after lunch. He texted saying he was on desk duty so I figured it would make her feel better to see him. Dad came with us too because he wanted out of the house. We walked in and I looked around.

"Where's Blaine?" I whispered to one of his coworkers, Sam.

"We were called because of someone being called at the market down the road. We were closer than any cops out so one of us needed to head there. He decided to go until another cop got there.

"Oh. When will he be back? Sophie wants to talk to him." He shrugged.

"Probably not long. He left a little while ago."

"Okay." Then there was heavy breathing over the walkie.

"H-he pulled a gun on us!" One officer was saying, obviously freaking out. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. I froze at his words. "Anderson is shot!" He followed with, his voice cracking. I felt like my whole body shut down. I couldn't move or breathe or talk. All I could do was stand there in complete shock.

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