Chapter 2

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I stared at the ceiling. All day long this is what I had been doing. Dad was over so he could watch Sophie as I sulked.

"You okay?" I looked over.

"Oh... yeah." He nodded. "Mind if I head to the bar?"

"No, go ahead. I can stay to watch her tonight."

"Thanks!" He nodded. I headed out right away. It had been rough and I need a drink. Have for a while now.

"Give me anything?" I asked, sitting at the bar. The bartender nodded, obviously able to tell I've had a tough time. He set down a scotch, which I downed.

"Another?" I nodded. He set one more down. Honestly, was contemplating downing it again but just took a sip.

Blaine looked up from his food as a guy walked in. Brown fluffy hair. Cute but looks miserable. He ate another fry, going back to his conversation with Wes.

"Anyways, that proves I should probably never go on another date."

"They're not all going to be like that. I promise."

"You sure? Even when they do go well and I end up dating someone, they end up being a bitch." Blaine laughed.

"I feel ya."

"Mhm. We've had our share of bad people."

"What about Lea? You guys just decided to stay friends cause it wasn't right timing. You haven't talked to her though cause you're in denial about still loving her. So call her. Try it again?"

"I—" Wes looked up at Blaine who smiled.

"Admit it."

"I don't know."

"Come on!"

"You know what... okay!" He pulled his phone out and found Leas number. It rang a bit before Wes looked worried. Blaine knew she answered so put his head next to the phone. "Hey Lea, how've you been!"

Good! How about you?

"Good, good... I was thinking and maybe we could hang out soon. Get a drink maybe?

"Uhh- yeah, sounds great."

"Awesome! Let me know when you're free and I'll see if I am."

"Okay..." It was silent a moment before she spoke again. "Thanks for calling! I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." He said, pushing Blaine away.

"Can't wait to see you!"

"Same." Wes let out a small sigh. "See you soon!"

"Yeah. See you soon!" The 2 boys looked at each other.

"Now it's your turn." Blaine groaned, leaning back in his chair. He knew this was why Wes met him but now that the time is finally here, he's not ready. Wes was way ahead, looking around the room for someone. "What about him?" Blaine followed his gaze. The guy from earlier.

"Looks like he's had a rough day."

"Okay? You have rough days. You think someone buying you a drink and flirting will make you feel worse or better?"

"True... okay. I'm going in."

My cup was empty once again. I just shook the ice in my cup before someone walked up next to me. I looked over and the bartender walked over.

"2 whiskeys?" He said, looking at me. The 2 shots were set down and he moved one towards me. "Looks like you could use one." I laughed and nodded.

"Thanks!" He nodded before we took the shots together.

"Blaine." He said, holding his hand out.

"Kurt." I replied, shaking his hand.

"How about another round?" I smiled.

"I could use another!" The bartender refilled the glasses and we did one more shot together.

We continued to drink together and talk. Not about anything too important. I also got very drunk.

"I should probably head home..." I mumbled, pulling out my phone. I almost dropped it but caught it, making me laugh. Blaine chuckled at me.

"Let me drive you home. You can't drive like this."

"No. I took the subway. I'm fine."

"That's bad too. Come on."


I guess Blaine didn't drink much cause he drove but I was very wasted. When we got home, he made sure I got inside safely. Dad was in the living room and on the couch. I stumbled through the door and headed to the living room. He'd gotten up by then, assuming I'd be in bad condition.

"Oh, hey dad!"

"Shh" he said since Sophie was asleep.

"Oh... shh" I repeated, stumbling into him.

"You okay?"

"Mhm." I giggled.

"Alright. Let me help you to bed." Of course I needed it so I let him.

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