Chapter 7

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Blaines POV

I was sitting in my cop car, trying to catch people speeding by the high school. They always ask cops to sit out there to keep students from speeding. I guess they want them to be safe which is why they do it. After a while, I finally saw someone speed by. I assumed it was a student since it was around lunch time. I put my lights on and pulled out onto the street behind the car. They pulled over and I got out, walking to the car. It was an older man though.

"License and registration." He pulled both out of his glove compartment and handed it over. I saw the name and froze. Burt Hummel?

"Uhh—" I looked in the back seat and saw a baby in a car seat. A baby that looked too familiar. Sophie. "You know what? You're good." I handed his stuff back and rushed back to my car. Sketchy? Yes. Worth it from my nerves? Yes. I rushed to Kurt's work and went in. He told me where he worked on our last date so I used that to my advantage. He was at the front desk, I guess grabbing stuff, and looked up.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hey..." I said, sadly.

"You okay?"

"I am 99.99% sure I just pulled your dad over." He covered his mouth. I knew he could tell I was upset so was holding in a laugh. "Stop."

"I'm— I'm not—" he said, restraining a laugh so hard I could hear it in his voice. "What did you do?"

"I got nervous so said 'you're good' and sped away." Now his laughs escaped.

"Stop!" He said, both dying laughing. I pushed his shoulder from across the desk, making him stumble back slightly.

"I'm sorry! That's just— great."

"No it's not."

"Top tier comedy."


"I mean, absolutely hilari—" I stepped around the counter, kissing his to make him stop. He then looked me up and down. "Have I ever told you how hot you are in your uniform?"

"No but I like you saying that."

"Well, you're very hot in your uniform." I smiled.

"Thanks!" I then kissed him again before hearing a bell. We both looked over and I think I died.

"Dad! Hey!"


He looked at me confused, especially because I was trying to hide my face.

"This is my—" Kurt froze. "This is Blaine. I heard you guys had a little incident earlier."

"Umm— yea. I made a mistake of speeding and I'm assuming, from what I just witnessed, you two know each other so he knew I was your dad by my name and got nervous. Am I right?" We both nodded. What a great first impression...

"Listen, I'm really sorry!" I said, putting a hand on my face.

"Stop, you're fine!" He said, chuckling. "I was the one speeding."


"Nice to meet you though." I nodded.

Kurt's POV

"I'm gonna head out." Blaine said, putting a hand on my back.

"Okay. See you later." He nodded and headed out.

"Anyways, Sophie and I were out and figured we'd bring you lunch." Dad said. I couldn't stop smiling though. Couldn't focus even. Honestly, I have no clue what he said at first. "Kurt?" I looked up.

"Hmm?" He started laughing.

"You okay?"


"You really into him?" I groaned.

"It's that obvious?"

"Pretty much." I threw my hands over to my face, resting my arms on the counter.


"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing I guess. I just— can't ever focus. I wish I could hang out with him all the time."


"Mhm. I cant stop smiling when I think about him which is basically all the time. I don't know. Not sure I even felt this way with Ben."

"You know what that's called?"


"Love." I started laughing. "What? You loved Ben so much and now you're saying you feel stronger about Blaine." I stopped laughing and my face dropped.

"Shit." He set a bag on the counter.

"So, how did you 2 meet?" I motioned him to follow me to my office since it's a long story. I mean, I never really told him about Blaine. Other than I had a small thing I wasn't sure what it was. We both sat and I held Sophie while eating and explaining everything to dad.

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