Chapter 6

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Blaines POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I immediately knew who it was. Answering the phone, I heard crying.

"On my way."

"I love how you just know it's me at this point." I laughed and hung up, heading to his place.

When I got to Kurt's place, he tried to hand her over to me immediately. I shook my head.

"Come on!"

"You need the practice because I need sleep."

"I'm so sorry!" He said, tearing up.

"Don't be. Come on, rock her." So he started to rock her. Nothing. She continued screaming. Why does this kid hate him? He's the sweetest person in the world. Now Kurt started crying.

"Why does she hate me? I haven't been getting sleep because she won't stop screaming! I'm trying every single rocking motion in the world and she won't shut up! How am I going to parent her if she hates me? I don't know why I took her into custody. How am I supposed to do this? She'll grow up all messed up!"

"Kurt. Stop. Take a breath." He started almost hyperventilating. I grabbed his face. "Breathe!" So he took in big deep breaths. "Listen, the most important things isn't the rocking. It's the connection. Babies can sense if you're happy or upset. So breathe. Try to understand. Sympathize. She can't speak so can't tell you what she wants. How would you feel if you couldn't communicate what you need or are upset by?" He continued to breath before rocking again. After a second, she finally stopped. We both looked up at each other and smiled.

"I did it!" He whispered squealed.

"Yeah. You did." I said, continuing to smile at him. Yes, I am exhausted but seeing him is worth it. He's so adorable. He put her back into her crib and we sat on the couch.

"Thanks!" Kurt said, looking at me.

"It was all you." He glanced at my lips which gave me a clue about what he was thinking. I was thinking the same thing. I really want to kiss him. We both started leaning in and I rested a hand on his cheek, slowly pressing my lips against his. I feel like we've barely known each other but we know everything about one another and like we are already deep in the relationship. Whatever it is. We both moved back from the kiss and just looked at each other for a second before looking forwards.

"Wanna stay here tonight?" He asked since it was late.

"Sure. Thanks." He nodded.

"Wanna watch a show to get sleepy?" I nodded because I love doing that. It really helps. He put a blanket over us before getting on Netflix.

"Greys anatomy?" I asked when I saw it on his continue watching. "I love that show! It's my favorite!"

"Me too!" He agreed. "Wanna watch that?"

"Uh- duh!" We both laughed as he started it. It wasn't long before he rested his head on my shoulder after falling asleep. I couldn't help but smile at this. Then I rested my head on his. Soon enough, we were both asleep.

Authors note
Ever since Kurt said he watched Greys Anatomy in the show, I just have to include it in every one of my writings 😂

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