Chapter 13

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I woke up but Blaine was already at work. I grabbed my phone off my side table, opening our texts. I love texting him when he's at work in the morning to see how he is. I don't see him when I wake up so have to say hi.

Me: Good morning!

Blaine: Morning babe!

Me: How's work so far?

Blaine: Fine I guess. On desk duty today.

Me: I can't wait to see you when you're off!

Blaine: Can't wait to see you too. I love you!

Me: I love you too!

I heard Sophie start babbling which meant she was up. I got out of bed and opened her bedroom door. She was standing and holding onto the edge of her crib.

"DADA!" She squealed. I froze.

"Wh- what did you just say?" I asked, walking over. She just looked at me, putting her arms up. I picked her up. "Say that again. Dada. Dada."

"Dada!" She said, laughing.

"Oh my god! You just keep growing up. I love you!" I laughed and hugged her. She hugged me back. "How about we visit Blaine at work." I asked her. Of course she didn't answer.

I fed us both breakfast, got us dressed, brushed our teeth, and changed her diaper. We had time before lunch which was when I would head to the police station. When it was around lunch time, Sophie and I got in the car. I got some takeout and headed to the police station.

I was holding Sophie in one hand, her travel bag on my shoulder, and takeout in the other hand. I walked in the station and saw Blaine sitting at a desk. He was talking to some other officers. I've never visited him here so no one knows who I am I don't think. One officer looked at me though and smiled.

"Hey. Anderson." He looked over and smiled.

"Hey!" He said. I smiled and walked over.

"Look what I brought!" I said, holding up the bag. He gasped and grabbed the bag, standing up.

"Thanks!" He said, kissing my cheek.

"No problem. ALSO— look what Sophie learned." I turned a little so she was facing him. "Show him what we learned." Then I whispered in her ear.

"DADA!" She yelled. Blaine smiled even wider.

"Is that your dada?" He asked, grabbing her. She started laughing which made everyone in the room laugh. It's just so cute that it's contagious.

Blaine set Sophie down after a second and she grabbed onto his desk. She's pretty good at walking now that she's a little over a year old. Blaine then gave me a hug. Someone behind him cleared his throat and we both looked. All the officers there were staring at us.

"You gonna introduce us?" He rolled his eyes.

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Kurt. Kurt, this is everyone." I waved.

"Hey everyone." Blaine laughed. I looked back at him. "When are you gonna be home?"

"I'm off at 6."

"Ok. I'll have dinner ready."

"Ok." I looked over and saw Sophie walking over to one of the other officers. I gasped.

"I'm so sorry." I said, walking over.

"No, it's totally fine. She had her hands out and looked like she was gonna fall so he grabbed them.

"Hi!" I looked at Blaine who shrugged.

"He has a kid. Let him watch her a second while you eat with me."

"Okay?" So we ate for a little. I had plenty of food so offered everyone else some too. They loved me after that. I don't care how I get close to his coworkers, at least it worked. I want Blaine's friends to like me. Especially his work friends.

After we all ate, I grabbed Sophie and said bye to Blaine. I enjoyed visiting him, seeing where he works, and talking to his coworkers. I was on my best behavior too so they'd like me even more. Now I'll be known as the nice boyfriend who brings lunch and cute babies. Or a cute baby.

When Blaine got back from work, he sat at the table with me. I looked up and he just smiled at me. Why was he acting so weird?

"What?" I asked.

"My coworkers all really liked you."


"Mhm. They wouldn't stop talking about you and said you need to visit more often. I mean, they've heard of you but th—"

"They've heard of me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I talk about you. Why? Is that hard to believe?"

"I mean, I don't know."

"You're my boyfriend and I love you. Of course I talk to my friends about you. And show pictures."

"Ohh. That's why that guy knew I was there for you."

"Yeah." We were silent for a moment. "Do you not talk to your work friends about me?" I smiled.

"I mean—" I looked at him and laughed. "Okay. Yeah I do. But I really like you. I didn't realize—"

"What? That I like you?"

"No. Just that you liked me enough to tell your coworkers."

"I more than like you enough to tell my coworkers. I love you."

"And I love you."


"Speaking of work. Do you know when you're going back in person for good. You've been doing most days at home. You know, we can find Sophie a babysitter for when neither of us are home. I can help pay if that's the issue."

"That's not the issue."

"Then what is?"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now. Can we just eat?" He nodded and dropped it, picking his fork up.

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