Chapter 16

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Blaines POV

I woke up, Kurt and I both still wrapped in each others arms. I carefully unwrapped his arms from me and quietly left the room. I went downstairs and Wes was on the couch. He always wakes up super early. It's 6 right now.

"Hey!" I said. He looked up and smiled at me.


"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything's fine."

"Okay. I'll make eggs and bacon."

"Sounds good." I headed to the kitchen and Wes followed. "So, is he okay?"

"Yeah. I think he thinks if he leaves her, something will happen. Like he doesn't want Sophie to lose another parent." He sighed.

"I guess losing 2 of his best friends really scarred him."

"I mean, it would scar me."

"Same. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I chuckled.

"I know. If you died, I think I would go with you." Wes sighed.

"So, what time do you work?"

"Gotta be there at 7."

"Okay." He sat at the table and waited while I cooked.

Kurts POV

I heard Sophie babbling over the baby monitor and woke up. I got her from her room and headed downstairs.

"Morning." I said when I saw Wes on the couch.

"Morning! Uh- Blaine made eggs and bacon. They're in the kitchen."

"Cool. Thanks!" He nodded.

After Sophie and I ate, I pulled my computer and sat on the couch with it. Sophie is usually a good kid so just plays silently while I work. It was going fine until my phone rang.


"Hey Kurt! We know you've been working from home but we need you." Of course it was one of my closest coworkers so it was hard to refuse.

"I- I cant."

"We have a showing and need someone to do it but everyone's out of town or sick or refusing because they're off and had plans. You're one of our managers. We need you. Literally begging, that's how desperate we are."

"Why was it scheduled if no one could do it?"

"We had someone but they woke up sick. Like really sick." I looked at Wes who was looking at me.

"I can watch her."

"You sure?" He nodded. "Fine. I'll be there. Send me the information."

"Thank you! Love you!"

"Whatever. Send me the information."

I had to head out soon after the call so I told Wes everything he needs to know and left him everything he needed, including my contact information.

I got home after the showing and thanked Wes more times than I can count. He was a life saver. I also realized more than ever that I needed a babysitter. And soon. So I started looking.

Blaine was off later than usual today so missed dinner. I got to talk to Wes though. It was entertaining and I learned a lot about him. Sophie, like usual, was quiet and minding her business.

"So, how long have you and Blaine been friends?" I asked, taking a sip of my wine.

"High school. We went to the same school. Been friends ever since."

"Aw! Cute!" He laughed.

"I was there when you two met so..."

"Ah... the best day of my life. I was depressed so got trashy drunk." He laughed.

"I've done worse."


"Yeah. Sadly."

"Do you have any siblings?" And then we went deeper into our lives.

I put Sophie to sleep before I laid in bed too. Now that I'm a parent, I get tired early. While laying in bed, I heard the door open. I looked over and Blaine walked over, laying beside me. He kissed me before grabbing me and pulling me closer. I laughed.

"Wes really likes you."

"Good. I hoped so. I really tried." He kissed me again, longer this time.

"My friends always love you. You're very likable." I smiled. Blaine kissed me for the third time, getting up and straddling my lap. "I find it very— hot."


"Mhm." He grabbed the condoms out of my nightstand, pulling one out and putting the box on top. I flipped us, kissing him this time. Then, there was a small knock at the door. Blaine groaned, and I plopped next to him.

"What?" Wes cracked the door opened.

"Sorry to bother you but do you have any ibuprofen?"

"Oh. Sorry, yeah. I stole it the other night." I said. I slapped the box of condoms onto the ground before grabbing the bottle and throwing it to him. Blaine started laughing and Wes just smiled.

"Sorry if I uh— interrupted anything."

"Get out." Blaine said.

"Okay." And he shut the door.

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