29: A short family reunion

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I stared at my watch as he spoke. His words were marinated in lies and half-truths, which wasn't a surprise. My mom and him bonded over their ability to manipulate and lie.

"Okay, let's say I believe you, which just so we're clear, I don't. Why is this my problem?"

"She misses you," he replied, he looked more like a kicked puppy than anything else. A few years ago I probably would've fallen for it again but since then I've promised myself I wouldn't ever fall for their lies again.

The silence was telling, he must've known that wasn't going to change my mind. Then I realized he was waiting for me to answer. So I said the first thing I thought of.

"I don't miss her." the truth is that there wasn't a trace of a lie in those words.

He rolled his eyes before taking a seat on the concrete step. I continued standing. No way was I going to be closer than I had to be. It was bad enough that I was as close as I was. I glanced at my watch again. Two more minutes were all I promised. Not that keeping promises was important in my family.

He sighed, "Tati, really you need to get over it and just forgive at some point."

I bit my tongue. Physically bit it so I could preserve his feelings, though I don't know why I cared enough to grant him that luxury. I settled with a simple non-verbal response, that involved my favorite finger. His back was turned toward me so it didn't really matter that much. He continued talking after a few seconds. And one more glance at my watch.

Time was up. I didn't say a word, just opened my door as quietly as I could manage, and then shut it. Once the door was locked I made my way to the kitchen. I found some pain relievers and took a dosage for the headache that was starting.

The Tv was still playing in the background. I went back into the living room with a glass of water and sat down. The ads were a strange comfort since they meant I was back inside. I heard a car start up, I got up and looked through the blinds as subtle as I could. Oh, good he's leaving. Now the question was how quickly can I sell my house and relocate.

My phone vibrated on the table, I walked back to the couch and picked it up.


Ok im back did you figure anything out?


Nope, not yet, but guess who decided to show his face?


i would say dakota but guessing on the tone its not good so someone else


Nope, not him. Want to guess or should I just spill it?


well that sucks whens the last time you two spoke?

honestly idk i cant think of anyone else


don't tell me-

was it your brother??

i thought he didn't know where you lived


am i right??


Firstly, we spoke this morning if you have to know. And yes you're right. Should I move or do you think it was a one-time thing?


gee idk your family is full of creeps no offense


None taken. I'm adopted remember? And honestly every time I think of them I thank God I'm not actually related to them


don't blame you. what did he say? anything that would imply hed come back to continue the conversation?


Well, I walked back inside after the five minutes I promised. And he didn't say much of value, his mom misses me, and his dad died last month. I sound like a terrible person probably but I can't find it in me to care that much. Well about the missing me part. I do feel bad that his dad is dead and I regret not replying to his messages since he wasn't so bad. Sorry, im rambling... Point is I honestly couldn't say.


if itd make you feel safer i have an extra room you could stay until you're sure he's not coming back


i might take you up on that. if you're completely sure


wouldn't offer if i didn't mean it. come on over


thanks for everything


of course

I put my phone in my back pocket and took my glass to the sink. I looked out the window again to make sure he was gone. No sign of him or his car, so I grabbed my keys from the counter. My mind wasn't made up on whether I'd take Emily up on her offer completely but I did need to get out of my house for a while and it could do some good to talk to her face to face.

Two updates in a week. I've been cloned.
Okay but updates should be more regular now. Hopefully.

Also since Emily won't be getting a POV in this story I'm gonna just say Tatiana's name in her phone is Grandma.

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