31: Coffee shop

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We spoke every day after that. When Saturday came around we decided to meet at a coffee shop. She was already there when I arrived. She stood up when she saw me and walked over to me. "I was seated over there." she pointed to a window booth.

I followed her to the seat. She sat down on the left side and I sat across from her. "This is a nice place," I said. The scheme was neutral colors. It had an all-around calm feel to it. There was some abstract art hanging on the walls.

She answered while looking out the window. "Yeah, I think so too. I think as far as coffee shops go, this one is my favorite." then she turned her head to look at me. "Oh and I already ordered my drink. So if you wanted to get something you don't have to wait for me."

"Okay, then I'll be right back." I got up as her name was called. "Well, that's ironic,"

She got up, "Yeah," she smoothed her mint dress out.

She walked to the pickup counter as I walked to order. It wasn't busy so there was no line to wait in. I placed an order and paid, then walked back to the table. "Did you ever sort out the letter mystery?"

"Not yet. Well, I'm sure I know who it was but there's no evidence so I'm gonna stick with no."

"That's reasonable."

"Yeah," she took a sip of her coffee.

"You back at your place now, or still with Emily?"

"I'm going back to my place after this. I think it should be safer now." she paused. "But I'm probably gonna move soon. I've been thinking it over and I should have enough saved to be able to rent a place for a bit."

After I responded my name was called. I got up and picked it up. I sat back down.

"Do you think things ever get easier or is it just one of those things?" she asked.

"Eh, I don't think I'm qualified to answer."

"It doesn't have to be deep or anything, just personally what do you think?"

"I think it probably will get better. Most things do. Or at least something else happens and it cancels out the former issue."

"True. It does seem that there's always something."

I grabbed my coffee and held it in both hands. It was still hot. I waited another few seconds before sipping it. "Do you have a specific area you're looking at or just looking?"

"Just looking. The only thing is I want to make sure it's closer to work and far enough from my current place." The bell hanging above the door rang and two people walked in. "So you want to just talk? I mean I know that's what we're doing but like you know just about random things. Instead."

"Sure, sounds okay to me. Anything in particular?"

"What do you think the future holds for you?"

"Like how far in the future?"

She put her cup back down, "I don't know I guess near future, like the next three to five years."

"Well, I don't give much thought to it I guess. Like I think about the possibilities but I don't know what I think it'll be. I hope that I still like my job, well as much as I can anyway. I hope Dylan stops breaking into my house."

"Does he actually like break into your house or do you just not lock your doors?"

"He once stated that windows were glass. So he'd break in if I didn't let him in."

"But that's not really breaking in."


She laughed. "Is there anything else?"

"Well, I hope you're still in my life then." our eyes met for a moment. "What about you?"

"Well, I'll be in my thirties so I guess I hope to settle down. Maybe have a family. I've always liked that idea but not sure if it was meant for me. So I try not to think about it too much. And same as you I hope you're still in my life."

We both drank our coffees. And after a few moments of silence, we spoke some more. About the future and what we think it might hold and what we hope it will hold.

Really short chapter... but I'm halfway done with the next so I'll probably update like Wednesday or something.

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