Erwin x Levi

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Erwin looked up and down the street, struggling to find the short ravenhe was supposed to be meeting. This was a horrible idea. The giant slowly turned over the box in his pocket. Him and Levi had been dating for five years, but this was still a pretty big step.
He felt a small tug on his suit jacket and looked down to see his son, Armin. He was dressed in small suit as well. His Batman tie was so cute many woman had already stopped to compliment him. "Daddy," the three year old questioned, "where's Mr.Levi?"
"He'll be here soon sweetheart." Erwin checked his watch again. 6:53. Levi was seven minutes late.
This had Erwin worried, and he was about to call the man until he heard an all to familiar voice.
"I wanna see Mr.Erwin!" Eren yelled from down the street.
"You can see him in a second. You could be seeing him earlier if you hadn't insisted on trying to play cowboy by using me as a horse." Levi sighed as Eren pulled him faster.
"Eren," Mikasa interjected, "you need to slow down. We don't want anyone to get hurt."
Levi graciously smiled down at her. For a third grader, she was very mature. Her brother... not so much.
Eren suddenly dug his heels in and stopped, which flung Levi straight into Erwin's arms.
"Woah," Erwin stumbled back, holding Levi up. Armin, still pudgy, waddled over to the other two, where Mikasa was waiting to intercept him with a hug.
"You okay?" Erwin looked down at a flushed Levi.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He grumbled.
Erwin smiled down at his cranky boyfriend. "Good. Come here guys! Time to head inside!" Mikasa and Eren each grabbed on of Armin'shands and ran over to the two smiling men.
When they walked in, a waitress named Annie escorted them back to a small, private room. There was one table, already set with three kids menues, and a booster chair for Armin. He was already short for his age, and could barley se over the table.
Levi and Erwin moved to skt next to eachother, but Eren sprinted over and situated himself right in between the two men. "I wanna sit next to Mr.Erwin."
Levi gently nodded to signify that it was okay, and moved over to Armin. He gently lifted him up, and placed him in the seat beside Erwin. Armin was easily flustered, so he always had to stay by his father. After Mikasa dove in next to Eren, Levi seated himself across from Erwin.
They ate they're meal making comfortable small talk. Eren bragged about his Hot Wheels, Armin told them about a gold star he got, Mikasa obsessed over Eren. It was all pretty normal, until Erwin decided it was time.
"Okay guys. So, Mr.Levi and I love each other very much. So much, we would do anything for each other." He gave Levi a gentle smile and continued. "So, when you love someone that much, there are things that you do."
"Erwin! We are not having this conversation with two nine year olds and a three year old!"
"Wasn't planning on it." Erwin stood up and got on one knee infront of Levi. "Marry me?"
"Yes!" Levi exclaimed and threw himself into Erwin's arms.
Erwin smiled. Now that he has Levi, he's never letting him go.

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