Chapter 17: Filler Crap

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So I honestly had no idea what to write for the next chapter. Enjoy some more filler because I am evil. Sorry, I am still working on the next real chapter and have to deal with Grade 12.

2968 UNC/2175

STG Reports...The United Nations Solar Alliance

Ever since the advent of the Galactic Commonwealth of Nations onto the Galactic stage, tensions have been on the rise between the Citadel Council and the Commonwealth. While the Council outsizes the Commonwealth nations in terms of population, we are woefully behind in terms of technology, military numbers, and industry. While all Commonwealth nations pose a risk, it's the United Nations Solar Alliance that poses the greatest threat to the species of the Citadel Council.

In this agent's opinion, the UNSA blends the advantages of the species of the council without major flaws. It's as 'democratically' free as the Asari, growing technologically fast as the Salarians, has experienced as the Matriarchs of the Asari, just as militarised the Turians, are great economists like the Volus, and so forth.

This STG agent will be classifying the many aspects of the UNSA with a threat level using colour. White, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, and black. White being a non-threat to the council and black being a threat on par with the Rachni.


Officially, the United Nations Solar Alliance is an international body encompassing over a thousand nations. This started out as a mere 200 nations encompassing most of Earth's (the Human homeworld) nation states. Since then, it has absorbed not only it's newly founded Human nation-states, but also several alien ones as well. Since the end of the so-called Unification Wars, the UNSA has transformed into a Representative Democracy. For those unfamiliar with the term, a representative democracy is a form of democracy in which people vote for representatives who then vote on policy initiatives; as opposed to direct democracy the Asari use.

While there are dozens of political blocks within the UNSA government, such as those being more open to aliens races, those wanting to become more militistic, etc, all UNSA political parties can agree on the fact that the the safety, prosperity, and progress of the UNSA and her allies are top priority and will generally work together to achieve these goals.

It should also be noted that the UNSA government is highly meritorcal , something taken from the former Defiance Solar Alliance. Political power and money is not enough to become a member of the UNSA government. One usually needs national service, time spent in law enforcement, etc before becoming a civil servant.

Threat level: Orange. It is doubtful the STG can infiltrate the UNSA without mass expenditure of resources.

UNSA technology

Despite nearly having several millennium of progress, the UNSA eclipses the Council in terms of technology in nearly every field. The only fields we eclipse the UNSA in is in the terms of Element Zero technology. More worryingly, the UNSA has done this with only 700 years with FTL, compared to the 3000 years of the Asari.

One of the main reasons behind this technological growth can be boiled down to several main factors: outside threats, more resources, and a wider pool of talent that can be drawn upon.

The UNSA is no stranger to threats. Reports of the devastation brought upon during the Unification Wars, the conflicts when opening up to the Montoken regions, conflicts with space creatures, and the Scourge War showed that the UNSA had to advance quickly to recover from these losses. Whereas the Council species had no major incentives to grow quickly, the UNSA did to keep up with its rivals, fight outside threats, or generally to grow bigger.

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