12.28 Unknown Star - Modern ABO World: Resolving Misunderstandings

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After getting knocked out by the man who called himself God, Ye Yuyan woke up in a place filled with white walls, sky, and earth. Everything around him from all angles is white in color. He couldn't even comprehend which direction he was walking to, but he could still hear his footsteps which left the situation eerie.

He wanders in the white world without anyone guiding him despite this weird phenomenon Ye Yuyan remains calm. Too calm as if he wouldn't be harmed or locked in here. He continued to walk around until he saw broken mirror fragments within the white sea. He walked around and approached the closest mirror and saw something that had surprised him.

Another scene of that night in that hotel was played before his eyes. He and Hei Yuhua were both drugged by the ecstasy flower. But he on the other hand had lost control of his sanity and grabbed Hei Yuhua pressing him down on the bed. He was like a lustful wild beast as he forcefully took Hei Yuhua under him. At first, Hei Yuhua still had the energy to beg him to stop but as if he lost his complete rationality he continued his act of one-sided desires and lust.

Until Hei Yuhua pressed under him gave up pleading and let him down violently. It was very hard for him to watch the scene. He is like a mindless piece of trash that has gone insane from drugs. Thankfully he wasn't the kind to be abusive towards his omega under such circumstances, except for thrusting into him for a very long time, he didn't do anything else.

But no matter what the reason it is, the actions he had taken were nothing but rape even under the strong influence of illegal drugs. He saw himself stopped once he completely marked Hei Yuhua and knotted inside of him. It took a very long time before both of them were finally knocked out by extreme fatigue and drugs.

He, who was badly drugged, took a while before he woke up. The next morning, Hei Yuhua woke up with numbness and pain all over his body. There are a few bruises due to over-marked kiss marks on his fair skin and even bite marks he had left behind that night.

Ye Yuyan could only watch the scene of Hei Yuhua's struggles to push him away with his weakened arms and trembling tries to sit up and fail multiple times. He could hear him moaning and groaning in pain as he tried to move. It took a whole half an hour before Hei Yuhua could barely sit up on the edge of the bed.

The Hei Yuhua in the mirror looked at an unknown horizon with lifeless eyes. Yes, dull eyes as if they didn't have any life in them. A deadpan gaze that left one speechless and made one guess whether this person is still alive or not.

The Hei Yuhua in that mirror looks so delicate, broken, and fragile. When tears stroll down from his lifeless eyes Ye Yuyan couldn't almost stop himself from destroying the mirror in front of him but he stopped at the last minute. His remorse and hatred from the him in that mirror could only be halted as he bit his lower lips until it bleeds. His eyes turn bloodshot unknowingly whether it was because of extreme sadness, overwhelming regret, or hatred for himself reflected in that mirror.

He resumed watching what was playing in the mirror and saw Hei Yuhua almost crawling towards his scattered and torn clothes on the ground looking for some kind of energy booster medicine hidden inside. He found a healing booster in his pants pockets and immediately injected one into his arms. Within a few minutes, the medicine instantly took effect and lessened the dark bruises on his body even though the intense pain in that hidden part of his had lessened enough to stop his legs from being completely soft as jelly.

After feeling his legs returning to normal even a bit, Hei Yuhua tried standing but his legs still couldn't help but shake. It's a natural effect of over-indulgence to lustful actions from last night. Though he was forced, his body was still affected more than he expected.

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