12.71 Unknown Star - Modern ABO World: Second Case - The Ying Twins.

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The teleportation talisman worked greatly this time. Before the rain of bullets fell on him and Student Xu Meiji, they had successfully transferred to another location. They were directly teleported to the hallway of the condominium building where their room was located.

As soon as their feet landed on solid ground Student Xu Meiji felt his legs turn to jelly and fell seated on the floor. There was a graze wound on Wei Lou's left cheek and it was only right now that it started bleeding.


Wei Lou cursed, "Damn?! Was that Officer Ying Wu just now!!? This is crazy! He is from the Red Poppy Syndicate!? Should I report it to the captain!? No, wait, what if my call is traced? Let's just wait for them to come home. It would have been great if I had a telepathy skill like the bosses."

He kept on talking to himself and didn't notice the one he saved was too scared on the floor and another two pairs of eyes staring at him while crouching in the hallway. The two guests were the God of Wealth, Bai Jin, and his System Wuya. Seeing Wei Lou around System Wuya returned to his avatar form and landed on his host's head taking over his hair as his little next, the ball-like little crow nodded off to sleep after giving his host instructions about the one they've caught.

Bai Jin said, "Hello~, Lou Wei. We're here again."

Wei Lou heard a familiar voice talking to him but he looked around and saw no one. He felt creeped out as if there was a ghost around him.

Bai Jin said, "Down here. Look below~"

Wei Lou followed the voice and said Bai Jin or Lin Jiya seated on the floor with a sleeping craw on his head and a small but weird golden cage with pasted talisman in it. Inside the cage is a fierce-looking white snake with red eyes which is a rare sight to be seen.

"Venerable Bai Jin?" calls Wei Lou.

The God of Wealth, Bai Jin said, "Un! By the way, is this child okay? He fainted."

He said while pointing at Student Xu Meiji who was scared to death witnessing someone who had his face get killed like that in front of him. It was like seeing his own ending if not for Wei Lou coming over to save him.

Wei Lou panicked for a moment and checked on Xu Meiji when he saw he only fainted and carried the boy to his condominium next door.

"Please come with me next door. The boss and his wife as well as my lover haven't gone home yet. Let's wait for them to return." said Wei Lou as he opened the door to the unit next to the one owned by Prosecutor Ye Yuyan.

Bai Jin followed and said, "Let's go. Do you have food? This mortal vessel feels hunger..."

"Um, there should be something in the fridge I think?" hesitating, Wei Lou replied.

Inside Wei Lou's condominium, he went to the kitchen to raid Wei Lou's fridge for food. They had been waiting for half a day for these guys to return after all.

Bai Jin asked in disbelief upon hearing Wei Lou's words. "Why are you not sure? Isn't this your house?"

"It's my lover who does the groceries so I don't know if there is still something in the fridge," responded Wei Lou.

Bai Jin who saw the fridge full of food including reheated Bentos was delighted. He took a few out to reheat and commented, "Your lover is great. You should marry him. He will be a great wife."

"Do you think so too?" said Wei Lou with a smile.

The two waited for the rest to come back. Wei Lou had already messaged his lover that he had returned to the condominium ahead of time. They've already received the news of the death of Student Xu Meijie from Officer Ying Wu.

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