13.20 - Missed Star - CP Variety Show Game

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After a few days of preparation, 6 Pairing from Crossover Variety Show were summoned to attend an event. The virtual screen behind them where gags were originally being played on repeat now showed a large chunk of narrative.

'Crossover Show Team activity short program. Mind and Heart Connection. A cooking showdown. A passionate gunfight. Flirting on-screen.'

The host said his line, "For this fun competition, we will be divided into two groups. How about Team Autumn Dragon vs the Rest? It will be 4 vs. 8."

They say Tang Ruan and He Yuu raise their hands in opposition.

Tang Ruan said, "It's still unfair."

Lou Ye spoke, "Indeed." While Lin Lan looked at him like a brain-dead idiot.

Host asked. "How should we split the group then?"

He Yuu answered, "2 vs 10. Big Bosses against everyone then we should be able to fight back."

Other players, "We approve!"

The Host and the game staff, "......"

While looking around, they saw everyone, even Crossover Show's personnel as well as the rest of the guest players nodding their heads in agreement. Then they look at the pairing dubbed God's Descent.

Once the groups were decided. The staff passed 500 placards with words written on them. Ye Qiuji and Long Xie's pairing is the Moon Group while the other players are the Sun Group. The first game began. Mind and Heart Connection is a guessing game. Sun Group was divided into the guessing team and the clue giving team. Guessing team: He Yuu, Jin Yao, Ye Wusheng, Lin Lan, and Qin Wang. CG Team: Tang Ruan, Ming Ren, Tu Zise, Lou Ye, and Mo Feng.

The game host explains the game rules. "Please remember that you can only say a short sentence or a word for the Clue. The partners should try guessing as much as they can. You only have a 3 minutes limit. Let's begin. Mind and Heart Connection Game Start!!! Let's begin with the Sun Group."

Cameras for each pairing were allocated to live stream the whole game. The broadcast was given the perspective of the pairing and the card held by Ming Ren while the rest of his CG Team were behind him. The First word on the Screen says "Chocolate".

Tu Zise pointed at him, "My favorite snack."

Ye Wusheng quickly answered, "Chocolate."

2nd Word: Dormitory

Tang Ruan: "Current House"

He Yuu: "Dormitory"

3rd Word: Sniper

Ming: "Our position?"

Jin Yao: "C? (Main Shooter)"

Ming Ren shook his head.

Jin Yao: "Sniper"

4th Word: King

Mo Feng pointed at Qin Wang without saying anything.

Qin Wang proudly answered, "King!"

Mo Feng just sighed afterward.

But when it's Lou Ye's turn to say the clue.

Lou Ye: "Lan'er the card says Bed. Are we going to buy a new bed?"

Host, Staff, Audience & Players: "......"

Lin Lan scolded Lou Ye live on screen: "Idiot! Who told you to read the word!?"

Because of this Lin Lan and Lou Ye's Pair were disqualified for this game.

While on Crossover's Live stream, scroll comments were progressing normally.

"God! Yeye is so silly!! Hahahahaha~"

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