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It's the next day at 7am it's a Monday so back to work, I work at my families bakery business is doing well these days so we work pretty early

"Mija ya estas lista para trabajar?" (Darling are you ready for work)
"claro Que si mami"
(of course mom)
then me and my mother start driving to the bakery it's pretty popular for how it's been decorated with its antiques that we chose.


I was pretty hungry because of how late I woke up today so I decided to go grab some breakfast real quick this one cute little bakery I saw looked promising due to no people being in it


"Hola bienvenido como te puedo ayudar?"
(hello welcome how can I help you?)
I Look up at this guy who has a mask and sunglasses In 80 degree weather but I'm not gonna say shit.

"Me puede dar unas conchas porfa?"
(Can I have some concha's please?)

I feel like I recognize his voice but I could be crazy Until he recognized me too??
Y/N: "is that you Diego??"
Diego: "y/n?? No way you work here?" "Yes it's a family business how many concha's would you like?"

Diego: "I'll take 2 do you guys sell coffee? If you do I'll take one"
"alright that'll be 6$!" Then he gives me a 20$ bill I go to give him his change but he left I'm great full for it but who would wanna pay 20$ for concha's??



I made it to practice surprisingly not that late and get ready to start when Kevin runs up to me and starts talking abt how I was late
KEVIN: "y porque llegas tarde?" (and why are you late?) "I was getting breakfast at some bakery turns out the girl I told you abt works there"  Kevin: "no way was it good so I can start going there" he said that he couldn't go to his usual since they realized how famous he was.



I texted Diego about his 20$ and how I should give him his money back and he refused, he's so sweet god. I was on my Break going across the street to buy some lunch and I see diego and YARETZY? Hold up I walk up to them and they notice me and she explains how Diego was looking for me since I wasn't at the bakery??

I rlly don't know how that adds up but I trust yaretzy she wouldn't do me like that so I let it slide and we all sit for a bit and have a conversation but I have to go since my break is over and Diego walks me to the store when I bring up his money

DIEGO: "no it's totally fine I swear it's just a $20 it's nothing!"
"I can't just leave with your money you only wasted 6$ i need to pay you back sometime" I say with a sad face
DIEGO: "well let's get dinner for payback? I still need to apologize for bumping into you."

"Of course mr 20$ is nothing just let me know when!"
Then we both parted ways.

it's giving corny I'm actually so mad💀

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