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We made it to the place and it was a cute restaurant decorated with flowers and fairy lights and a big chandelier in the middle I loved it.
DIEGO: "I hope you like this place" he said with a smile as I walk around starstruck of how pretty it looks "like? I LOVE IT it's so cute!"

we sit down and I look on the menu and decide on a pasta he also gets something similar we talk for a bit and the food gets here
"oh my god it looks so good!"
Diego: "you seem really excited about it" we both laugh and I respond with
"of course I am I work in the food business" we both eat and then he brings up that I had a bit of food on my face.

Diego: "you have a little something there" he then takes a napkin and wipes it for me god I just love how sweet this man is.
"Well thank you señor lainez" (mr lainez)
Diego: "your welcome princessa" how can he be so PERFECT?? I think to myself how I got so lucky to be treated like this.


We finished eating and he asked if I wanted to walk around for a bit so I obviously accepted the offer we arrive at a little park and a group of kids are playing futbol.

Diego goes up to them and starts playing with them
DIEGO: "hola puedo jugar con ustedes?"
(Hello can I play with you guys?)
"NO MAMMES ES DIEGO LAINEZ CLARO QUE SI!!" (No way it's Diego lainez of course you can!!)
The kids looked so excited to see him.

I thought to myself ugh AND HES GOOD WITH KIDS?? He's going to love alexis which was my little brother, I watched how he played with the kids and he looked so pretty smiling and laughing cmon y/n you just met him calm down a bit girl..


I caught y/n taking a video of me and the kids in a little circle and I was telling them how to shoot the perfect goal and I walk up to her and ask her to come play and she declines and I realize she's in a dress,

"Real question is are you cheering for me or them?"   Y/N: "hmm I'll see who's better" she says with a smile as I laugh at her she's so gorgeous, I go back and while in walking away I say "I'll make sure your the one cheering for me"

Hello loves I rlly appreciate you guys reading this I FR get a heart attack when I get notifications🤭

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