I love you's 💟

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I woke up at 7am, I was going with Diego to his practice. I wore my batman pjs and one of Diego's hoodies I took. We stopped by McDonalds Bc we both didn't eat anything and felt like eating there.

"I'm about to inhale this food" I was starving. Diego laughed at me and once we got our food we started driving to the stadium.


Once we made it to the stadium, I sat down on a bench and started eating my food. Once everyone started coming in, I obviously said hi.
When I notice someone else walk in?

It was a girl she looked really young, it was ochoas daughter lucciana. She came and sat down next to me, I offered her one of my hash browns and we started eating.

"so you ACTUALLY WORK FOR MIU MIU?" She was surprised I guess she really liked fashion to. "YES! I'll even make you something!" She was so sweet.

We talked about random stuff, she told me about her life at school. I sometimes missed middle school. (I hated it guys.🤤)

Once practiced ended she came and hugged me, "promise me I'll see you again?" I was going to CRY. "OFC LUCI! I'll always visit when you want me to!"

She walked away with ochoa and he thanked me for keeping her company. Ngl she was a interesting kid she has the best chisme. Diego came after a bit and I hugged him.

"Enanito! I missed you!" "I missed you to! Let's go out for dinner?" "Of course señor"


Once we made it to Diego's house, he took a shower so I just watched tiktok. Once he got out we started watching twilight. "if I was a vampire would you still like me?" I turn to him and he says.

"Why wouldn't I? You're still the y/n I love?" I almost cried for a sec. I kiss him on the cheek and we keep watching the movie. Once it gets late we go out for dinner.

I wear a skirt and a cardigan like top? (Inspo!)

I choose my jewelry which was obviously the necklace diego got me

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I choose my jewelry which was obviously the necklace diego got me. Once we were both ready we get in the car, I go to my side and try to open it but Diego opens it for me.

"gracias mi principe!" I said as I kissed him. "Te nada princessa" I get in the car and I get the aux. I play my playlist and valentine by laufey plays.

"He tells me I'm pretty don't know how to respond?"

"Cause I think I've fallen in love this time, I blinked and suddenly I had a valentine"

I turn to Diego and admire him for a sec, his hair that I do, the fact his eyes are 2 different colors, the smile he always shows. He's so perfect.

"Honestly I can't believe to call you mine"

I turn to diego and say "I love you mi enano" while laying my head on his shoulder.

I'm actually so srry for not updating. School made me busy💔💔

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