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"Do you hear that?"

"It is the souls of the damned..."

I could hear it...

The screeching...the crying...the death, and despair...


Sixteen years...sixteen years was all it took. Once the Americans gained independence, my people felt it was our turn. It did not help that the Third Estate had a larger influence on my people than the King realized. It hadn't even been a century since I was together with America, Canada...and England.


I don't regret helping America in the war, all of what I did against England was called for. I even convinced Spain and countless others to go against England. I didn't regret any of my choices; I only wanted him to regret his.

He was alone and hardly had any allies. It felt good to be the one that was finally laughing in his face for once! the one that did not get manipulated for once. I don't want to listen to any excuses he may have. I even refused to open the letter he gave me. Which I still have, and it sits in my room. The room that I was constantly stuck in.

Which was another issue that was frustrating me!

I live in Versailles now, and it was permanent till further notice. The few uprisings have caused the Crown to be suspicious of anyone. Including me...

I do as my crown says, but I've had many common people approach me. Asking me to do something about our financial situation. However, there was only so much I could do. I wasn't in charge of any lawmaking, let alone finances. I was only used for diplomatic meetings, battle, and war, and maybe, if I'm lucky, they ask for my opinion.

I knew of the hardships the common people endured and was pressured by both sides. My crown wanted me to look the part and asked me to dress accordingly, but at the same time, the common people looked at me with anger if they were to see me wearing even the most excellent thing.

So, when I traveled in Paris, I mostly wore clothes that servants would wear. I never had my hair pulled back anymore and left it loose like many of the men in town.

I know England must have noticed the turmoil my country was starting to go through, but he hasn't said anything to me, and I don't want him to. I don't need him! I'm perfectly fine alone, and he would make things worse. As usual, that was all he was ever good at doing.

I hated thinking about him.

I hated him!

He has hurt me so many times!

I hate him! I hate his ugly clothes and his terrible cooking. I hated the attitude he gave me when I was trying to be nice. I hated the way he looked when he was serious or unamused. I hated the way he walked, talked, and laughed. I hated everything about him! I hated his hair, his eyes, and his voice; I even hated the way he rolled his eyes at me.

I hated him...

I hate him, but he was constantly stuck in my head.

I had gotten my revenge against him during the American revolution. I saw the look on his face when he lost, and he saw the look on mine. He was angry at me for helping America, but he did it to himself.

He drove people to retaliate!

He was the villain in history for who no one had sympathy. There was no greater love than I had for him, and he killed it.

I love him no longer. There was nothing left for me to love. Only the memory of him. Though he isn't dead, it felt like there were parts of him that were. All I could do was sit here and think of the person he used to be.

Although I have not talked to him in person, I've heard stories about how he is now. They were never good. I know Spain has become allies with him recently, and he has told me a few things about his state.

He has a very good naval, as usual, but he tells me something is wrong with how he does things. I'm not sure what he means about that, but as long as he stays out of my way till I figure out my situation, I'd say everything should be fine.

All of this will be over soon, and I will look back in a few years and laugh about how everything got out of hand when it should not have. I got it! I will finally try and speak up more at the meetings. If I do that, the King might see how it affects me too. I get affected physically by all this tension, and maybe if he sees that, he might change a few things that help the common people.

I began tapping my finger against my knee as I finally stood up. I was instructed to wait in the room with my highness. Everyone else was talking in the other room, and I would be let in shortly.

The windows were open and allowed for a breeze to enter. All of this talking was making me anxious. I even heard rumors that the Crown would stop me from visiting town like I usually did. I was going to be trapped in Versailles like many of the nobles. It was a lingering thought that I tried to shove aside. But it was becoming more real.

My highness was asked to make a statement about the famine that was occurring in Paris, and she still did not answer.


My highness looked at me. It was a serious stare and made me curious. "What will you tell the people? I know they are waiting for an answer," I finally spoke.

"Ah yes, an answer is needed; how thoughtless."

I felt a bit nervous but continued to wait and listen for an answer. My highness didn't say anything; she only had a thoughtful expression as if trying to figure it out. However, I wondered how much that would be.

"Do you hear it? Mr. France?"

"I can't say that I do..."

"It is the sounds of the pretty little birds..."

"Little birds?..."

"Yes...and I have an answer for their suffering..."

I stayed silent as I looked at her. She had been fanning herself. "Which is?" I asked.

"Let them eat cake..."

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