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"Do you hear that?"

"It is the souls of the damned..."

I could hear it...

The screeching...the crying...the death, and despair...

I had been blindfolded and felt my breathing increase as I heard the whisper. I was pulled to my feet and heard doors opening as I was being shoved through. The so-called screeching was coming from outside. What was happening? What could they do to me? I couldn't die, which meant there was not much they could do.

My hands were tied behind my back and were guided by the people pulling me. I heard the sound of the door opening as I walked closer.

As I walked outside, the screaming and shouting were louder, making me more nervous. I had woken up in that cell and had been there for a few months. I never heard anything of Arthur, and no one would listen when I tried to talk to someone to help me get in touch. I was trapped and scared, and I missed Arthur. I wish I knew where he was and if he was worried about me too.

I was pushed ahead and forced to sit down. The crowd of screams was starting to get overwhelming as I listened. They pulled the blindfold off me, including some of my hair, which hurt.

What I saw when I finally gained sight...horrified me.

I looked all the way up, seeing how tall the guillotine looked up close. There was mud from the constant rain. More rain than we had in a long time. People held up fire and pitchforks, chanting, "Off with their heads."

I looked around horrified and watched as these 'carriages' brought the first victim...

The King...

I should stop this..I was strong enough to get out of these ropes...but I knew I shouldn't. My purpose is to agree with the people of France. Now that they were against the King, I was against him. I only chose the side of the people. They were the ones that are the reason for my being alive.

The path leading to the scaffold was extremely rough and difficult to pass; and from the slowness with which he proceeded, I feared for a moment that his courage might fail; but what was my astonishment, when he arrived at the last step, I felt something was lurking deep inside him as I watched.

Silence, by his look alone, fifteen or twenty drums that were placed opposite to me, and in a voice so loud that it must have been heard at the Pont Tournant, I heard him speak.

"I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I Pardon those who have occasioned my death, and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited on France!"

My eyes widened at what he spoke, and he suddenly looked at where I was forced to sit. "Mr. France! have courage!" he spoke. As he was strapped down, he exclaimed, "My people, I die innocent!" Then, turning towards his executioners, Louis declared, "Gentlemen, I am innocent of everything of which I am accused. I hope that my blood may cement the good fortune of the French."

I looked at him in horror as I saw the executioner release the blade...

I shut my eyes, but my ears could not be blinded by his end's slicing noise and cheers. One of the assistants of Sanson showed the head of Louis XVI to the people, whereupon an immense cry of "Vive la Nation! Vive la République!" arose, and an artillery salute rang out. It was horrifyingly loud; I was sure that it would reach the other imprisoned nobles.

It didn't stop there...

Aristocrat after Aristocrat...being beheaded. I was forced to watch front and center. Feeling their blood splash across my face as I watched. Was this the punishment they had in store for me? Or would I be beheaded? What would happen to me? I can't die, but I won't have a head? That would surely have to kill me, right?

The executioner suddenly pointed at me, and I nearly pissed myself.

"Arthur, now would be an amazing time to save me," I told myself. I knew he would not come. During this madness? He probably wouldn't be able to get into the city with all the guards. Many of the French people began to cheer, and I was lifted onto the platform.

The executioners dragged me towards one of the same boards, and I stepped through the blood-stained floor, horrified. "Arthur...I will see you one day," I whispered.

"STOP! NOT HIM!" A shout called. Many people in the front turned their heads, seeing commander Bonapart, his well-respected commander who had been leading France into victory. They had stopped trying to tie me up, and I felt relieved. Thank goodness...

"If you know what is best for you, you will let that man go. He is Mr. France and speaks for the people. If you knew that, you would know that trying to kill him would not work, let alone solve this problem!" He lectured. Many of the crowd stayed quiet to listen, and he helped untie me.

"Is this true? Do you, Mr. France, speak for the people? and agree with this outcome?" The executioner asked me. The commander glared at me, and I nodded. "Yes! Of course! I am on the side of France, not the one who makes decisions for the population." I spoke nervously. "Good! Then you will pay in another way...jail!"The executioner chanted. Making everyone chant along.

The commander pulled me away, and many people in the crowd made sad noises. Damn, they really wanted to chop my head off! that was too close.

"Thank you, sir..." I spoke. He began to pull me off the platform, looking annoyed. "Don't mention it; I won't be able to save you from jail time. Luckily, I am sure you will be out by the time this all blows over," Napoleon spoke. I looked at him, confused, as he handed me to some other guards. "When do you think that will be?" I asked. I was freaking out! What does this mean for my government? What was I going to do?

"I will work on it, but until then, be on your best behavior, will you? You will be useless on the battlefield if you get beat every day," he spoke. I could not help but become silent and horrified as he let the guards take me away.


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