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Why did they have to separate us like this? It was really annoying. I wanted to be alone with Arthur. But no! Now I'm stuck with this talkative idiot. "Wow, this is my first time in Versailles! The stories don't do it justice!" Spain cheered. Arthur sat beside me and ate his food in silence. "Wow! It must be exciting now that the two of you are on good terms! Want to bet money on how long that will last!?" Spain laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him and began to eat my food, annoyed. Jesus, this idiot won't shut up.

He suddenly got close to Arthur, putting an arm around him. "England! I know we have been enemies in the past, but can we forget about the Hundred Years' War and the American Revolution? I wouldn't mind selling you territory from my Colonies!" He cheered. Arthur looked at him like he wanted to murder him, and I wasn't going to stop him.

"Are you going to be this obnoxious the whole time?" Arthur asked.

"Ah! No hard feelings! I have been too occupied with Mexico! That girl is a wild one!"

"I hope she declares war on you," Arthur glared. Spain looked at him, laughing nervously at him. I could not help but laugh at how nervous he had gotten. "Just because we are allies for now, it doesn't mean I won't punch you across the face," he glared. Spain moved away from him nervously, and I continued to laugh.

I felt a bit special for getting different treatments. "France! You are going to let him talk to me like that?" Spain whined. I didn't really care. Honestly, I was mainly eager to see Arthur tonight. I couldn't care less if Spain was being picked on.  "Yes, I don't care...let me eat already," I spoke. Arthur laughed at what I said, shaking his head. Spain looked at both of us simultaneously and placed a hand on his heart. "I am hurt!"

"Well, you should be; us being here is so weird..." Arthur spoke. Spain leaned against the table, still looking at Arthur. "You know, it has been so long since I have seen you; you have grown quite a bit! Although I am not sure If I could forgive you for those blockades you imposed," Spain continued. I swear, was he trying to make Arthur upset? "Are you done already? You are getting on my nerves," Arthur spoke. He began moving away from Spain, coming closer to me.

"Why do you have to move away? Closer to France! I could never tell if the two of you hated each other. You both argue and fight so much, but you would still rather be closer to him than me?" Spain asked. I could tell that Arthur had begun to ignore him. "Spain, that's enough. Can't we enjoy our food for now?" I asked. He looked at me, annoyed, and began to lean closer into us.

"How can you enjoy your food when they plot all of our downfalls?" he whispered. Arthur and I looked at him, confused, and he came closer. "It is why they sat us away from them; this treaty won't last long. Our leaders know it, and they are planning on it. I give it a few more months, maybe?" He spoke. The three of us looked over to the main table, seeing our leaders talk.

"My money is on France betraying us...do the two of you want to make a bet?" Spain smiled. I rolled my eyes at him, shaking my head. "You have a gambling issue," Arthur spoke. I laughed at what he said, but Spain looked serious. "I am serious though, both of you don't be surprised when France decides to break the treaty off," he spoke. I looked at Arthur, who stayed silent. "I wouldn't..."

"Well, it doesn't matter what you do or not; it is not up to you," Spain sassed. He was right about that, though. I nodded at him slowly as I looked at our leaders' table. It was a matter of time...


"You've been quiet since dinner ended."

"Yeah, well, I realize the idiot was right...we won't really be allies for long," Arthur spoke. He was getting ready for bed when I came to visit him. I was already in my night clothes and snuck in from one of the passageways in the walls. He sat on his bed, looking at me as I approached him. "Will you hate me if I am forced to declare war on you?" I asked.

Arthur breathed out deeply, shrugging his shoulders. "No, but slightly annoyed and inconvenienced, which is improper manners. Which does not surprise me from you," Arthur laughed. I rolled my eyes at what he said and sat beside him. He began to fiddle with his thumbs, and I watched. "Well, you should be used to my annoying attitude by now; I hear you remind me every century," I laughed. He laughed under his breath and suddenly leaned his head against my shoulder.

I stiffened from the sudden touch and did not know what to do. My back straightened out, and I held onto my knees nervously. "I think you become more unbearable to be around as time passes," he laughed. I breathed out, defeated, relaxing a little. "Well, I have been inconveniencing you since the beginning of time; why should I stop now? I think you are funny to mess with," I teased.

Arthur lifted his head, looking at me. "I would trade everything in the world to live a day when we were younger. I miss your food and not have to be a nation. I want to ignore my problems and run around in the wilderness with you," he spoke. I laughed at what he said, nodding. "Ah, to do that, we must change into wild animals!" I laughed.

"Well, being a woodland creature doesn't seem all too bad," he laughed. He leaned closer together, and I could not help but smile as I stared at him. I would do anything for him. I would not want to do anything against him; I would rather throw myself down for a bit to avoid seeing him hurt.

"I want you to declare war on me...next year..."

"WHAT?!" he shouted, shocked. It was so loud I had to cover his mouth with my hand to shut him up. "I am serious...Napoleon is strong...he won't hesitate to hurt you badly. Maybe if you do it first, I won't have to see you in despair. I don't care about attacking other countries. I know we will be fighting each other for real, but I can't bare seeing you being invaded...please...this one time, I am asking you to beat me. We can call it even for beating you during the Hundred Years War," I laughed.

His face looked shocked, and he slowly moved my hand away from his mouth. "What of you?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders, separating from him. "I am sure we will be fine. I know how the commander is. I doubt it would cause too much of a blow to my fleet," I explained. I began to stand up from the bed, holding his hand in mine.

He sat there, looking sad, but I tried to smile and improve things. "You are such an idiot...you always have been," he laughed.

"Yeah, I can't help it..."

I touched my lips against the back of his hand, kissing it. "Our history books will remember us as the two countries that always fought. However, it will be our secret for a lifetime, knowing that we care for each other in secret," I whispered.  I looked at him, smiling, and he had a sweet expression. "We might as well play the part. I won't go easy on you!" he declared.

"Oh, I did not expect you to. My army is better than yours; everyone knows that" I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me and shrugged. "But my naval will best you..." he whispered. I must always remember our relationship like this. Even when we are fighting and we may get too into it. I must remember that we will always care for each other deep down—more than we want people to know.

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