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Crap, I'm in total shit...

Why do we keep declaring war on other countries? They are not going to like me very much. I'll turn out just like Britain if my crown keeps doing these things.

Nothing is getting better, and now there are death threats.

Toward me too?!

I can't die!

I can't imagine the type of things the common people will do to me, all because I associate. No! This is fine! I'm sure they wouldn't do anything crazy.

"Mr. France?"

"Yesssssss?!" I spoke. It sounded a bit on edge, and I found myself jumping up. I turned around quickly, seeing it was one of the servants. "Your majesty requests your presence," he spoke. I nodded at him and held onto my heart. The servant looked at me nervously, and I gave him a thumbs up. "I will be there right now," I laughed.

I began to fix myself a bit and found myself walking beside the servant. "Mr. France, it is an honor to be in your presence, I've heard so many stories about you growing up, but now that you are living here in Paris again, it is amazing," the man spoke. I smiled at him and gave him a pat on the back. "Thank you, that means a lot, but I am nothing special," I laughed.

"Oh, but I hear of the amazing stories of you fighting against Mr. England! How they were intense, and the two of you were close at one point. What is he like? I hear no one has seen him since the American Revolution. Is that true?"

I began laughing at the odd questions and stopped near the door I was about to walk through. "Ah, so many exciting questions; I might have to leave you on a cliffhanger for now," I spoke. The man smiled at me, giving me a thumbs up. Sometimes these questions were a bit troublesome, but I understand the curiosity behind them.

Even if I had the time to sit down and talk to people about my experiences, that would take forever. It would be the history of France! Which is much as it is. Of course, I'd leave out the personal relationship that England and I had many times. Now, he was a figment of my imagination at this point.

Once I walked through the doors, standing around were the Kings advisors, the King, and one of the military Generals I recognized. "Ah! Mr. France! We didn't expect you to get here so fast," Monsieur Jean spoke.

"Yes, I was very close by, and what was the matter?" I asked, worried. The king smiled at me and urged me to come forward, which I did.

I had seen many monarchs in my lifetime, and I knew that King Louis was only a kid still; I never held it against him for constantly doing what his advisors said. He didn't know any better. How could he? He became King at fifteen. I understand what it's like not to be taken seriously.

Although I looked twenty-one and was older than all the people of France, I was sometimes treated like a child. "Well, I'd like you to meet someone who will help France! You've met him before," King Louis spoke. I nodded at him and looked at the general. I couldn't remember his name.

He reached his hand out for me, and I took it. "Forgive me, but it seems your name has slipped my mind," I laughed nervously. He was a bit shorter than me but kept his back straight. "Oh, you will remember me eventually," he spoke. I lifted a brow at him, confused, and stood back.

"I am Napoleon, and you and I will work closely together while we get through the war against Austria. We will end the Holy Roman Empire and take back the dignity of the French people. I've heard you've gone soft; is that true?"

His forwardness was a bit blinding, and I didn't have much to respond to. Was I seen as soft? For a long time, I wouldn't have considered myself that at all. "Ah, well, I wouldn't say soft..."

"No need to deny it; I am here to put you back on top! Starting with our funny neighbor across the Dover!" He cheered. My heartbeat stopped, and I looked at him, horrified. "What? What business would we need with Britain?" I asked. He smiled at me and began to pat my back.

"Well, as you know, The British seek to uphold a balance of power in Europe that would enable them to affirm their control of the seas, to extend their colonial conquests, and to achieve predominance as a trading and manufacturing nation both beyond Europe and on the Continent, and as you know, they have blocked our expansion plans a few years back..." he started.

He began to walk away from me as I listened.

"They have an alliance with many European nations, including the Netherlands, it is a bit troublesome, to say the least, and from the Grand alliance...well, you saw how that went. They got the best of us again, and it is time for us to take Britain out."

He finally looked back at me, but it was still unclear what he was trying to ask me. "And you want me to do?..."

"I heard rumors that the two of you used to be friends..."


"I don't care if you were; all I care for is how we could use it to our advantage. It is, in fact, true that hardly anyone has seen the mysterious nation for years. He hides in the palace with his Crown and only issues orders without lifting a finger, and I want you to bring him out."

"Bring him out? How am I supposed to do that? We sided with the Americans; he wasn't happy about that!" I spoke. He was asking the impossible of me. There was no way I could get close enough to talk to him. He will make sure of that.

"You will figure it out, I am sure. They've gotten lucky with their industry boom, naval, and alliances, but now I need you to take them down. Do I make myself clear?"

"How am I supposed to do that?—"

"I don't care, but you will be going toward the English front, and I expect some good news by next year!"

Everyone looked at me in silence, but I still didn't know what to do. "Now go; I expect good news; you will be sent at the start of the year!" he laughed. This was terrible... we were doomed.

I hope they aren't relying on my success because I can tell the future, and the future will be chaotic. As soon as he sees me, he is going to fight me. How am I supposed to talk to him? I can't go and pick a fight with no explanation...

Can I?

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