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I took a deep breath as I entered my room. There was no way; I knew for a fact that England would either punch me, Stab me, yell at me, or really do anything that would hurt me. How on earth was I supposed to talk to someone I knew hated everything about me?

Yes, there was affection between us at one point, but that was long before he screwed up. How could he blame me for helping America?

No! There was no time to think this way!

I needed to figure out a way to get close to him. Maybe I can try and negotiate a treaty with that idiot. Although, I really doubt any of that would work.

I began going through my stuff, trying to find something to do that would keep me sane. I was going to leave at the start of the year, and who knows what would come. How long I would actually be gone, and more. I began feeling frustrated with everything happening and began to throw my things.


They were throwing me into the sharks! How was I supposed to make England submit?! We have been fighting for centuries, and he still hasn't given up. He always finds ways. This was it! I was reaching my breaking point. I could not satisfy anyone.

I continued throwing some of my things on the floor in a fit of rage. I wish running away was an option. There had to be something else I could do. "GAHHHHHH!" I screamed. I grabbed one of the nearby cases I owned, throwing it on the floor. I had not realized how delicate it was; I was not expecting it to break.

"Crap..." I spoke. Looking at the broken box made me calm down a bit, but it did not help my racing mind. I knelt to pick up some of the shards when I noticed it.

That was right; I put the envelope in this box and kept it there.

I reached for the slip and stared at it nervously. I flipped it over to the other side, staring at the seal. It had an 'E' for his name. This had to be the answer, right? I open this envelope and read what he finally had to say; then, I would know what to do.

I held my breath as I slowly opened the envelope. I was lucky that time did not wither the paper. I opened the slip and never felt so at ease seeing his handwriting.

"Dear Francis,

I regret to inform you of my feelings this way, but I do not have the courage to speak them. I had done much thinking, and I realized how much I love playing family with you and the boys, how much I loved it. The idea became real to me, and for once, I felt human.

I did not want to break up our family; it was not my decision. I speak truth and nothing but. My Crown threatened to take Alfred away from me. Forcing me to stay in America while he was taken to Europe, trapped. I did not know what to do; the options were not desirable. I would take Matthew from you, or Alfred would be taken from me. I figured that taking Matthew still ensured that he would be in the care of one of us. That way, you could still see him without anyone knowing.

Attacking you, for him, was the last thing I wanted to do. I had stalled the plan for years until I was met with an angry Crown, who did not want to hear any more of my excuses.

The truth is, I am afraid of my Crown."

I paused my reading as I stared at the sentence in horror. We were all a bit scared of our leaders, but the atmosphere in which the words were written seemed different.

" I have not told you many things from the time after our long war. I had endured much after I surrendered. My Crown learned about our relationship through the mouth of Portugal, and I was punished for humiliating my country.

It was the reason why I was not seen for years and why you were sent away when you tried to visit me. I was imprisoned for treason, and I was tortured because I could not be executed. I endured years of pain and swore an oath to my faith and Crown once more. I know of the atrocities they are capable of, and I did not want that fate for Alfred or me. I knew that once they saw him, they would not be happy about your influence on him.

My dearest,

Forgive me for what I have done to you. I did not mean to, and I wish that god would have chosen another to live the life I do. I am not made for this life, and I feel everyone turning their heads away from me. I will lose allies, and I believe that is for the best. I understand that you will hate me, and I am not sure if you will ever read my letter.

However, I promise you that Matthew will continue to be loved.

He and Alfred are both of us.

I was too scared of my feelings toward you that I did everything to ignore it. However, time and time again, I am proven why that was for the best. I know we are not meant to have feelings like this for each other, and I understand one day you will find a way to seek revenge, but what I feel for you will never change.

I should give up, but I do not believe that is physically possible. You always have my heart and soul, and one day, I am sure we will come together at last. This battle we constantly have to fight against each other will end one day.

If not as lovers, then as friends. If we are not granted that, I am well content knowing I still have your favor. For the battle of our hearts will never end. You will forever have my adoration as time goes by. I hope that with this letter, you can learn to forgive me yet again. Heaven knows I need it.

Be Well,


I felt sick as I finished reading the letter.

I need to talk to him. I have to find him and talk to him. This whole time...I blamed him for what happened, and I did not realize the idiot was going through manipulation from his Crown. I know all too well what that feels like.

It must have broken him when I helped America. However, I admit that afterward, he treated America badly. However, if I had read the letter or possibly negotiated something, America would have still been his colony. I was not sure if it was good or not. Maybe things were supposed to happen this way.

But why to us? I needed to talk to him, and I was going to go tonight!

I really hope I don't regret this, but I need to find him. No one has seen him in years, but I might be able to-

This weird feeling rushed through me, and shivers ran down my spine. It was like all the hairs on my body stood up, and I felt something pulling me. I shot my head north and felt my heart racing.

"Who could that be?"

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