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News after News of what was happening in Paris started to scare me. Battles have continued, but I found myself running all over France to try and calm the situation. I had been continuing to fight against England, but I was sure he noticed my lack of focus on him. It was hard to focus on one enemy when things were happening around me.

So, as a solution, I called a meeting with him. None of my leaders knew, but maybe if we could figure out a treaty with each other, it could be possible to lessen the blow while I try and calm my people down. "Honestly, don't you know the point of a war is to fight and not keep talking," his voice spoke. I laughed, hearing his voice, and turned my head to the left, where he was.

"Ah, sorry, but I wanted to discuss a possible treaty."

"What? That again? is everything so bad at your place that you need to stop a war? What did your Crown say?" he asked. The truth is...their castle was stormed. I could not tell him what happened, though, it would be a vulnerable thing to say, and he was sure not going to have sympathy; he would probably only use it to his advantage. "They don't know I'm here...I want to keep it that way..."

"Ehhh? What are you planning? You seem...off, I only saw you about two months ago; what happened?" he asked. Too much was happening—more than I was allowed to think about. I had gone daily trying not to think about what my people had been doing. I thought the death threats they sent us would have been the end, but I am not safe.

My people, along with the help of soldiers, have taken any noble in sight, locking them away to await a trail. Then...last week, they stormed the palace of Versailles while I was away. I came back to Paris yesterday, finding out the news and how my Crown will be the first to get their trial.

Then...I had asked for a meeting with England because I wanted to end the fighting between us, but I needed help. All of this... was taking a toll on my body, and if my country crumbled, then I crumbled. This felt like a Rein of Terror.

I began to shake my head, and his smile dropped. "Nothing good...England...I am scared...please...consider a treaty..." I spoke. He recoiled at what I said and tilted his head. "What? You're scaring me...you have never been this scared. Tell me what happened," he spoke. I held myself close and shook my head. "I can't...it might make things worse...but please, I am asking you to please consider a treaty, speak with your Crown, I beg of you..." I spoke.

He came closer to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

He looked like he was actually worried about me.

I was worried too. Commander Napoleon seemed to have the favor of the people, and he was silent about the treatment of our Crown. I hate to think the worst, but part of me wondered if he was involved. Suppose he wanted to gain control of France somehow. If that were the case, I would have to listen to him! And he is so insulting toward me.

"I can't agree to that; My Crown wouldn't want me to...Wait...what is happening? You seemed fine a few months ago; what could have happened in that short amount of time?" he asked. He was still asking me many questions that I could not answer.

"Talk to me... I know I find pleasure in making your life a living hell, but it isn't funny when someone else is messing with you in such a way."

"England, Please..."

"You come for my help without explanation; I won't help unless you start talking! First, you show yourself in rags when I declare war; Then your country begins declaring war on half of Europe! Now I hear how your citizens are having riots in the streets. What is going on?" He asked.

"I can't say-"

"Bullshit! Do you realize that if your people are having problems, including your government, you could...Francis...please...I can see something is terribly wrong; I don't want you to die over something stupid..." He spoke. Hearing him say my name again made me feel so many emotions. Too many...

La Bataille de Nos Cœurs (Fruk)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin