18 (final)

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"I, France, as a result of this, declare that I am defeated during the battle of Waterloo and the entirety of the war. I forfeit my ownership of the stolen territory by order of the treaty. I will keep only the previous existing territory and will pay off debts toward England, Spain, Prussia, and Austria. By signing this document, I, at this moment, end the war," I spoke.

Everyone but England looked at me with delight. The war ended as I expected, and in return, I forced the new government to send Napoleon into exile. He won't be back for as long as I can control it.

As I signed the document, people began to cheer for the official end of these long wars.

"Wooo! France! now that you aren't bloodthirsty anymore, we should hang out again! Get super drunk!" Spain cheered. He immediately began hugging me, and Prussia looked at us, annoyed. This was how it was. We all always choose to forget what happened. Of course, some still had grudges.

"I will think about it..." I spoke. I looked toward England, who was about to leave, and I quickly moved away from Spain.

"England!" I called.

He turned his head to me slowly, rolling his eyes. "I don't want to hear anything coming from you! I am done playing these games with you. Talk to me when you have something relevant to say!" he demanded.

"Huh? but I figured we could start over. May I ask for your forgiveness?" I asked.

"Start over? for the hundredth time? Yeah, I will pass on that offer. I swear you will never change! I am leaving! Bye! Also...it smells here!" he spat. He looked at me, annoyed, rolling his eyes, and I felt hopeless again. I can never win with him.

"Be well, Arthur..." I whispered under my breath. I watched him leave me, and I wanted to go after him and bother him again. "France?" Spain spoke. I smiled and nodded, humming a yes.

"What?" I asked, smiling as I watched England leave.

"Do you hate him? I can't tell," he spoke. I shrugged my shoulder smiling, and turned to him. "That's a secret, you nosy scoundrel," I laughed. I had a better realization than what he entailed. I didn't hate England, and I didn't like him.

I was in love with him.

After Hundreds of years...it finally took me that long to realize the affection I had for him was love. He was my beautiful and darling boy. He had the stars in his eyes and the moon's weight in his heart. I would do anything to see him happy, yet I would love to piss him off purposely.

At least there was one good thing that Napoleon did which helped me realize how I felt. How I always have felt.

Although no one will remember these feelings one day, they may never stick. I think there is something in these battles that people will remember. How much we continued to fight and show allyship with each other. Strange thought, but that's history.

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