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Nearly a decade later, I was finally summoned to leave the cell I had been trapped in. I was put here the same day my King was decapitated along with all the other nobility. I heard the news of what happened, but once the deaths stopped, so did the news. Napoleon never came to check on me, and I was kept separated from the other prisoners. I had become lonely with no one.

I was given an anonymous tip, however.

I was given a note on my breakfast tray this morning. It said that today was my lucky day. I was not sure what that meant exactly, but I hoped it was something good.


"By order of Commander Napoleon, You are being sent free!" One of the guards spoke. My eyes widened as I watched the door open. "What? Seriously?" I asked. Then, without warning, someone ran into my cell, nearly jumping me to the ground.

"I told you I would find you," he spoke. The mysterious person wrapped their arms around me, squeezing me. My eyes widened, and I felt stunned hearing that sweet familiar voice. "Arthur?" I spoke. How was he here? It couldn't be.

He separated from me gently and smiled at me. It was like I was seeing an angel. "Wait! How are you here? We are enemies right now; you must leave!" I spoke. He began laughing at me, and I was confused as to why. "What is so funny?" I asked. He shook his head, smiling. "After many years, I finally did what I said I would. We have a treaty between us, I don't know how long it will last, but it is good enough for now," he spoke.

The only person I thought of was England. I thought of him constantly, wondering if he had missed me or noticed I had suddenly disappeared.

My heart began to race, and my sudden miserable state was replaced with happiness.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded at me, pulling me up to my feet. This must be a dream; I must be dreaming. He began to pull me out of the cell and quickly took off his coat as he saw me begin to hold myself. He wrapped his coat around me and guided me out of the area. "How were you able to come here?" I asked.

He continued to walk beside me, entangling our arms. "It took much convincing, but when I heard you would be freed, I asked some of Napoleon's advisors if I could do the honors. Since I knew you well, and more people seemed to know this, I was allowed. They thought it would prevent you from getting angry, which is an outrageous way of thinking," He laughed.

"Really? When did you get here? In Paris."

"Ah! Well, the treaty was signed a month ago, and I was granted access through advisors and diplomacy when we came over to sign. We have been here since, staying at the Palace of Versailles. Which is creepy enough..." He started.

We had finally made our way out of the jail area, and into one of the main corridors. "After we heard what happened in England, my Crown grew terrified, naturally, but they wanted to stay out of it. We mostly wanted to make sure something like that did not happen at my place, so much of the wars had stopped for a bit while all of the Crowns from across Europe gathered themselves...you can imagine how chaotic everything was," he explained.

I can't believe they did not tell me about anything while I was locked up. Napoleon is terrible.

"Wait, does that mean you met HIM?"

"Him?....ah, Napoleon....well... let's say that we did and that he really isn't fond of really anyone..., mainly the British. It took much convincing, but we were able to come to an agreement. He is very...Intense," He laughed. Well, he wasn't wrong, at least. I knew he was very intimidating, but he seemed to care about France. However, his motives why are unclear.

Arthur...seems happier; I was not sure why, but I guess I should not complain about that.

"You seem different...I know I was not gone for long, but nine years is not long compared to our life."

"Well, finding out I could see you are my only reason for being happy. It has been quite miserable without someone to annoy. I am glad we can pick up where we left off," he laughed. We had stopped walking, and I looked at him, rolling my eyes. "God, you are insufferable, is going back to my cell an option?" I asked, laughing. "Not a chance! In fact, I will personally make sure you are caught up with everything that has happened. I will be here for another month or so, and I think that would be the perfect time to catch up finally," he laughed.

I could not help but smile at what he said, nodding. "There is nothing I would enjoy more than that," I spoke.

"Great! Because I think we should celebrate your freedom today! How about we play cards? I could finally prove how much better I am than you,"

"As usual..."

We both began laughing, and I felt happy again.

He had begun to pull me, but I stopped him. "Arthur. Thank you...for getting me..." I spoke. He nodded at me, smiling, and I could tell he had gotten flustered. "Well, you should be thankful! Without me, you would be a helpless fool! as always! Like when we were kids, I was always coming to save you!" He sassed. Yeah, more like he was the one that needed my help all the time. I remember him crying many times when we were younger.

I grabbed his hands, nodding. "Of course, you always come to my rescue; how will I ever repay you?" I smirked. He began to scratch the back of his head, looking around. "You make it sound embarrassing...a simple game of cards will suffice," He smiled.

"I couldn't think of anything more entertaining," I smiled. I squeezed his hand gently and suddenly felt that feeling inside me again. The feeling I had not felt in a long time.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything," A familiar voice spoke. Arthur pulled his hands away, and it caused both of us to straighten up fast. "Commander Bonaparte! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed. "Me? Oh, well, I was about to meet you, but I see someone...has beat me to it...what an inconvenience," he spoke.

He glared at Arthur, and I could tell he tried not to notice. "Sorry, I was given permission, so I did not think there was any trouble," Arthur spoke. He said it with a condescending tone, and it caused me to look at him, horrified. "Well, you thought wrong. I don't think I feel comfortable knowing you two will be close again...I don't want France being influenced by your kind..."

His kind?

British people?

I wanted to laugh at the statement.

"Oh, trust me, that won't happen," I laughed.

Napoleon looked at me, annoyed, and began to turn around. "Mr. England, you are a guest in my country, so I expect respect," He started. He looked at him with disgust, and it really surprised me how much he did not like Arthur. "Mr. France, I expect you to be cleaned and presentable by dinner time, and I expect that the two of you won't be too comfortable...have some decency for your religion," he spat. I jumped and looked at Arthur in shock, who continued to look serious as he left.

God...what the hell happened while I was gone?

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