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"FRANCIIIISSSS! IMISSEDYOUSOMUCHITHASBEENAGES!" Alfred nearly murdered me as he jumped into my arms like a child. "Yes, I know...what brings you here?" I asked. He had suddenly barged into my home and did not bother to give me a heads-up.

"Ah! well I know how you and the old man across the Dover are always fighting, and you and he just stopped fighting, and I know you were on a bloodthirsty tangent and did not know what was going on at my place, but..."

"Spit it out!"

He was in a civil war right now...and well...I was trying to stay out of it.

"Well, it is complicated, and if I go to England about it, he will look at me with that snarky facial expression he always does. It shows "I told you so," which is really annoying, and..."

Gosh, he was saying a whole lot of nothing.

"Honestly, child, spit it out!"

"See...I did not want to ask you for help since you seem to be avoiding conflict now...but..well...England is not helping...he is trying to get involved. I know he is, but he does not admit it."

"Have you talked to him?"


"Talk to him...I do not want to be involved with your Civil War; you know how I feel about that particular situation," I spoke. America was another example of us doing what the government tells us, even if we don't like it. Canada has also come to me for advice on ringing up the Native American reservation schools. There is only so much I can advise on.

"See, it would be easier...but he isn't taking my side..." He spoke nervously. My eyes widened, and my head shot toward him. "What?" I asked, confused.

"He is taking the side of the Confederacy...over cotton! I know my southern half gives him the cotton, but since we have not said what the war is about, he is taking it as a way to still deal with them. He said, and I quote... "The war has not been declared as for slavery, so that means I cannot condone their actions. Therefore I can still trade with them..." France! help, please! Can't you distract him or something?"

That idiot... is making things worse...

"Well...I will try and mediate with him. I will talk to him, but honestly, he does not want to hear from me."

"What? why?"

"Because...of the wars...I tried talking to him, but he always sends me away...it kind of hurts my feelings." Alfred smiled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I had been trying for the past fifty years. "Don't worry, but I hope I can gain your support, and you can condone the confederacy," he suggested. I smiled at him, nodding. "Of course, my dear boy, you always have my support," I smiled.

Well...here we go again...another pointless conflict that could have been avoided.

"Great! You are the best Dad anyone could ask for!" he cheered. I rolled my eyes at him, and he continued to smile. "Please...just keep Napoleon the third away...he keeps trying to invade Mexico...and with the Monroe doctrine in place...well...I don't have the time to stop him because of my affairs...pretty please..."

I groaned once hearing the name.

"Yes...I will do my best..."

This is perfect!

Damn England!

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