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Since I last saw England in the flesh, it has really been harder on me than I realized. I avoided him in battle. Our battles had begun to become intense. I was alone in the fighting, so it took much of my energy. In recent fighting, much of it was split. Sometimes I would win; other times, England and his allies would win. The world had begun looking at the two of us.

"England and France are fighting again..."

A phrase that would be known all through history. How we never stopped fighting each other, even when the world was tired of it. Without him retaliating against me, Europe would have fallen to me. He was the only one who put in his troops and fought against me the most. It was impressive, and many saw that this war could lead to another Hundred Years.

We constantly fought each other, so the name was not wrong. We fought during the New World being discovered, managing somehow to find secretive peace between each other when I went to find him. Now, there is no peace...well, that is what I want to believe.

What England came to me all those years ago, it...did make me realize a few things. I regret to say that his stupid attempt to woo me worked a little bit. I had stayed up that whole night thinking about him and our past.

Even now...as I sit here in a meeting with my leaders. I still think about him.

How he looked as a child in his cloak. He was stubborn but promised to protect me. I promised to protect him, too but look at us. We have lied to each other. We were fighting, and I knew it could be traced back to the day I found out who he really was. I should not have treated him in such a way; he was only a child. He was still figuring out who he was, and I...I was self-absorbed in thinking about his feelings.

During the Hundred Years...it was a bit easier. We still saw each other in secret and expressed our deep feelings for each other. But in recent years, if it was not fighting, we argued or showed sarcastic attitudes toward each other. The night he came to see me was the first time he had expressed any sort of favor in a long time. It was conditional but still spoke to me.

His condition is that I stop.

That seems awfully fake to me.

My leadership had been putting more pressure on me. Telling me not to see England or try and talk to him. I was forbidden from laying my eyes on him. They truly believed he influenced me easily. They hated him so much...and me?

Well...I hated him, too, of course...

He was getting in my way of being the best! And that is what I wanted...


That IS what I want?

What I still want?

Then...after my failed attempt in Russia a few years ago, morale started to decline. The French people wanted out of this war, and I think I was starting to feel that way too. Not because of England in particular. It really was because I was tired of fighting. I wanted to go a century without being involved with fighting. Maybe focus on my agriculture? That sounds like a peaceful alternative to fighting. I believe that once this war is over, I could do that.

However, I do not know when that would be. If I were to win...this war would not be entirely over. Many of the other nations would rise and find a way to take me down. If I were to win this war, the fighting would not stop. However, if England wins, the fighting will stop.

It reminds me of how he let me win the last Hundred Years' war because he felt this way. Is this how he actually felt? Having these intense feelings of uncertainty? What would happen to me if I gave up?

For a moment, there was a point where I did think everything was over. It was last year when we were defeated. Napoleon was sent far away, but now he is back, and it is why I was here.

"Sir, French Morale is down; how will we get enough people to fight?"

"They all will be forced to swear an oath to me; no one will be against me!"

I was starting to understand what England meant. About how Napoleon was the one that wanted power and did not really care for the goodness of France.

I began to raise my hand slowly, and everyone looked at me. "Yes? What is it?" Napoleon asked. "I don't mean to be THAT person...but...maybe we can figure out a treaty instead? I am worried not enough people are willing to fight," I spoke. Everyone except Napoleon looked at me horrified while he looked at me angrily.

"You would go against the good of France?" he asked.

"Well...I think I, of all people, know what is good for me, and I believe that maybe the fighting should stop," I spoke. He stood up angrily, coming closer to me. "Ah, as expected, you sure are weak deep down," he spat at me. I sunk into my seat sadly, and he pulled up a map.

"What is that?" I asked. He began smirking at me, which did not make me feel any better. "This! is the mao for Belgium! We are going to invade and take camp in Waterloo! Belgium is our way of turning this war around."

"WHAT? But the Netherlands! He is her brother...he won't let me take it easily...he will call for backup! All of the allies will surround us!" I spoke, horrified. He held his hand up to silence me, and I sat back, worried. "Please stop talking, Mr. France. Your judgment in me has been weak lately, but I promise you this plan will work...and France will be glorious!" He cheered.

Many other people cheered for him, but I did not feel right about this plan. It was risky. I knew I would lose, but to what extent? Would the allies dissolve me? I would cease to exist.

I needed...

I needed the help of England...

Maybe he could help me a little.

"We leave next week!" Napoleon spoke. No! I was not ready. I looked at him, horrified, and I still did not say anything. This...would be my end...my downfall. All of history will remember for years to come.

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