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As discussed, England declared war on me four years ago, even joining a few alliances. At the time, it made me sad to begin the war, but I know now that it was for the best. One thing that we did not predict would happen was Spain declaring war on him. Spain was still my ally, and it was only because Napoleon was taking territories like candy. He placed many of his family members in charge of their crowns and now has gained their allyship because of it.

Now he was even crowned King of Italy. I felt a little terrible about all the trouble I was causing many of the other countries, but at the same time, I did not care. I was stronger than ever, and it was fun seeing so many countries trying to fight against me and failing.

Before Austria and I created a treaty a couple of months ago, I really enjoyed punching him in the face. Really enjoyed it...

I enjoyed it so much that it pissed off Ms. Hungary.

I was a force to be reckoned with!

This power! Felt amazing! Now I know what it feels like to be in England. No wonder he loved declaring war like a catchphrase.

Speaking of that idiot...we haven't talked much since the treaty was broken, and maybe that is for the best. I realize feelings make people weak. Seeing him would only make me weak!

I can't believe I was an idiot to let him have so much control over me. Maybe that is what he wanted? That manipulative bastard! It is probably something he was doing. Keeping me close so I could bend to his will? Not anymore! I loved this power and would not give it up because I thought he was a little attractive.

I wasn't that power-hungry; I was looking out for the best interest of France!

"Mr. France! Commander Napoleon, Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden are here! They want to talk before we move forward!" One of the advisors announced. Napoleon and I looked at each other, and I wanted to laugh. "What could they possibly want to talk about?" I asked. Napoleon approached us, and I crossed my arms.

"We won't stop this battle because they are ill-prepared; it will only make things easier for us!" Napoleon laughed. He was right! It was their fault.

"They made a new coalition...they've joined forces!" The advisor spoke. I wanted to laugh. They could not defeat me. I had Spain, Netherlands, Austria, and Italy and was in the process of taking the Holy Roman Empire.

"They want to discuss a treaty before the battle," The advisor spoke. I wanted to laugh again, those idiots. "Mr. France, you know what to do; I will prepare the forces," Napoleon spoke. He was getting his weapon ready, and I did so as well. "Of course, I will strike them down if necessary," I smiled.

For once! I was the one feared!

Those assholes can suck it! This was my revenge for the years of torment.

"I will be back!" I sang. The advisor pointed to where they were, and I jokingly looked out. We were outside the city of Berlin. I was going to take The Holy Roman Empire. I will strike him down now if I need to.

I jumped off the platform I had been standing on and withdrew my sword. I had never been so confident with my fighting skills. Napoleon made many changes to France. Including teaching me battle strategy and new fighting techniques. I was excited! They were in the past regarding battle strategy, and I was in the future.

Time to see my cute little bunny.


I managed to confront them once I walked all the way to where they were waiting. Of course, when I arrived, I tried not to look at England. "Ah! My very best friends came to see me!" I cheered. The four looked at me seriously, making me want to laugh. "Why are you so serious? I am here to talk!" I laughed.

"France! You can't take over so many countries! We aren't living in the Middle ages anymore!" Prussia spoke. He was here protecting his brother. "Ah, is that the best any of you can say? Maybe if you really sell your stupid treaty, I will think about it!" I mocked.

England looked at me, annoyed, stepping up. "Seriously? Has power really gotten to you that badly?" England spoke. I rolled my eyes at him and began to look at my nails. "Again, is that all you are going to say? I am going to take the Holy Roman Empire," I spoke.

"We won't let you," Sweden finally spoke. It made me smile once hearing him. "Ah, I have no idea why you decided to join them; maybe you should worry about Denmark; god knows you need to," I hissed. They were all starting to get on my nerves.

"Any other statements to make?" I asked. I looked at Russia, who had not said anything yet. "We won't let you take him..." Russia finally spoke.

"Not without a fight!" England glared. I turned my head to him, smiling. "Oh, give me everything you got! I look forward to it," I smiled. The four of them simultaneously took out their weapons, making me laugh. They are all so dramatic.

"Hmmm, Now, where is the Roman Empire?" I asked. They all looked at me, confused, and I began to look around past them. I knew he was here; he just wasn't showing himself. "He is far away from here!" Prussia yelled. He came closer and tried to point his sword at me, but I blocked it.

"No, you are lying...I know he is here..." I spoke. I gave England eye contact, and he looked really nervous. I wonder if he was now scared of me. Good...

"Eenie...Meanie...Minie...Moe...He is in that tent, isn't he!" I laughed. Their faces grew horrified as I pointed to a nearby tent. They were so easy. "Well, since none of you convinced me, I will take him now!" I smiled. I was starting to walk away, but they began to run at me.

First was Russia, who did not last long...I used my sword to slash across his chest and elbowed him in the face as he tried to touch me.

When Sweden tried to attack me, he was fast and used much of his force. Too much body force that anyone knows could be used against the attacker. "All of you are making this really easy!" I laughed. I looked toward England and Prussia, who looked at me horrified.

"Come at me!" I added. Prussia Lunged at me, trying to use his sword to knock me down. I used mine to block his, and he continued to push against me. "I won't let you hurt him!" He glared. I could physically feel our power difference. I pushed him off me, and he flew many feet away from me, landing on Sweden. This was real power!

Feeling how much stronger you are against your enemies.

England looked at me, shocked, and I smiled at him. "I will race you to him!" I cheered. I began running away from him toward the tent and could hear how they began to fumble to gather themselves. I could hear England's footsteps as he tried to catch up to me.

"FRANCE! DON'T DO IT!" He shouted. I had arrived outside the tent and turned to England. He did not realize my sudden pause and nearly would have run into me if I did not move out of the way. Instead, he fell to the floor as he tripped to stop himself. I pointed my sword at him while holding my fist in the air.

"I won't be your puppet any longer..."

"What? You never were! Idiot! You need to snap out of it! All of this power is getting to your head, clouding your judgment."

"No...it has made me see clearly...I will build my empire and show you I am not a force that can be persuaded!" I glared. I had used my hand to signal the charge of my troops. Many of them yelled in glory, and England could only look across the field in horror. "I will take Berlin, destroy the Holy Roman Empire, and destroy you."

"What? So everything you said was a lie?" He asked. He was about to stand up, but I stopped him with my sword. "How everything you do is forced. This doesn't look forced. You want to take over Europe!" He spoke. I rolled my eyes at him and pushed my sword closer. "A small price for others to pay; you, of all people, should understand that," I laughed.

I used my foot to step on him, shoving my sword down into his abdomen.

"Don't worry; it will hurt for a moment..." I spoke. He had begun to wail from pain, but I watched with no remorse. "Maybe you should ask your colonies for help-OH! I forgot...how insensitive of me! " I laughed.

"You don't have any!" I sang with a smile.

With that, I pulled my sword out of him, opening the tent curtain. Seeing him...

"Hello! I am Mr. France!" I smiled.

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