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"I did what had to be done..."


The person sitting in front of me was Mr. Italy. He was like a little brother to me and was part of a treaty with the Holy Roman Empire. I wasn't lying. I did do what needed to be done. His death was for the greater good of France. Italy will understand that when more time passes.

"As I said...Holy Rome is no more...It is best if you try to forget him. I knew the two of you were really close," I spoke. I killed him. I did not think it was possible to kill another nation. But it was. All that needed to be done was to injure them physically and their country in various ways. I took Berlin, and my troops killed many citizens and destroyed their cities. It was really shocking that Napoleon's plan worked.

It was like he was trying to figure out how to kill nations.

Italy was silent and looked heartbroken as I gave him the news. "Oh...I think...I think I should go...I will see you later," He spoke. He quickly stood up from his seat and left the room with no other thought.

Great...now I am the bad guy.

Well, everything was still going my way, at least. I defeated those idiots when we fought the first time. That fourth coalition was a pain in my ass, but they were recovering. Now was my time to strike again! While they were down!

"Hmmm...What to do, What to do," I hummed.

There was a sudden knock on my door, and the door opened slowly. "You can come in, don't be shy," I spoke. The door then opened right away, and Spain showed himself. "Sorry to bother you. I saw Italy crying...um...do I need to ask what happened?" He asked.

Spain came in, and I looked at him with pursed lips. "No, you don't, but I think I have a better idea," I spoke.

"Which is?"

"Well...I realize those coalition idiots are down right now, and I figured I wanted to go forward with my next action plan. I am sure Napoleon will be happy to hear what I have been thinking about. I believe it is time for some revenge on a certain Nation that has really pissed me off," I smiled. He looked at me curiously, and I pulled out a map.

"He is someone you might be interested in!" I smiled. Spain looked at where I was pointing and looked shocked. "Portugal is going to pay for everything finally! I can't wait to punch him in his stupid face!" I cheered. "Well, I agree, his face is punchable...but it seems that you might have some personal influences making you feel this way."

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Well, for starters, he did attack you and England as kids, even shot him with an arrow...then he joined forces with England during the Hundred Years...you were really upset with that. You tell me everything...He was the reason England was locked up for nearly twenty-five years...and then he tried making a pass at England...this all seems motivated by feelings..." he spoke nervously.

I looked away from him as he said all these things. "Why would I want to get revenge on him for England...you are making it seem like I favor that idiot across the Dover!"

"Yeah, but-"

"I want to declare war on him because he has constantly been in French affairs, and it is time he knows who is the more powerful one. Besides! He has always been an asshole toward you. This is your chance to unite the peninsula and punch your brother in his face!" I pointed out. He hated Portugal too, but I understood his worry that it might be a personal fight.

"I just wanted to make sure..."

"Well, no need; I want to go through with this..."

"Alright then, we can declare war on him...not for revenge for England...because we hate him..." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him, and he kept giving me this look. This was not for England! I would not be that stupid to do that! I hate England right now. He has caused me a lot of turmoil, and I was just showing how powerful I was.

Eventually, I would not want to kill England but have him join my Empire. We would be unstoppable if we teamed up! We could help each other and take over the World if we wanted to!

Maybe if I did this, he would realize my power and join me.

I felt myself smiling as I began to think about it.

England will be mine!


"Ah...You sure sound like a villain when you laugh like that," Spain pointed out.

"If you excuse me, I plan to enjoy the rest of my day. Tomorrow we can put our plan forward. We will not waste time with this invasion!" I cheered. Spain nodded at me, and I began to stand up from my seat. I want to make a plan that would have England join me. I know if I approached him now, he would go on about how the power has gotten to my head.

I don't believe that one bit! He will see how amazing and powerful I was and join me if he doesn't see that once I take Portugal...well, it doesn't hurt to take him by force. Seeing him again only made me think about him more.

It made me so happy thinking about all of this.

"Oh, You should probably check on Italy. I am sure he is taking everything harshly. I trust that Romano is kept in check. He can get a bit annoying..." I whined.

"Yes! don't worry about that...." he spoke softly.

This felt great!

Everyone is scared and worried about ME!

Maybe once all of this fighting is over, I will try and get America and Canada back. We could all be one big happy family again! Yes! that plan is amazing! I am sure if England knew that, he would gladly join me!

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